ACCG Requests Information About Closed Roundtable Regarding Extra-Legal MOU With Yemen

Following a closed roundtable, the US State Department signed an MOU criticized for being completed without input from the Cultural Property Advisory Committee or the opportunity for public comment. Die Ancient Coin Collectors Guild (ACCG) sees an effort to stifle debate and has submitted a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request to the State Department.

Tübingen is the center for Islamic numismatics in Germany - and a wonderful city to enjoy the first weekend in May! Photo: Berthold Werner via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Meeting of the Oriental Numismatic Society 2024 in Tübingen

The annual international conference on Islamic numismatics will take place in Tübingen from May 4 to 5, 2024. The program tempts you to spend the first weekend in May in beautiful Tübingen!

The conference will take place in beautiful Brussels. Photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash.

Putting Survival Ratios of Ancient Coinages Into Perspective – Here Comes the Program!

On 5th October 2024, the 7th International Numismatic Conference of the Coin Cabinet of the Royal Library of Belgium will be held in Brussels. The Program has now been published.

Our CoinsWeekly Special Issue for TICC Tokyo 2024.

CoinsWeekly Special Issue for the TICC Tokyo 2024

After overwhelming interest last year, we have once again published a printed CoinsWeekly Special Issue for TICC 2024, which takes place in Tokyo from April 26 to 28. If you can’t make it to Tokyo, you can download the PDF here.

The on-site grading offers customers in Munich and Maastricht numerous advantages.

PMG Grading On-site in Munich and at MIF Maastricht in Spring 2024

Collectors and dealers will soon be able to submit banknotes to PMG again for the popular for on-site grading – either at the Munich office in April or at the PMG booth at the MIF show in May 2024. More details here.


Künker ⸱ Auction 402 ⸱ 14-15 March 2024 ⸱ Osnabrück

On 14 and 15 March 2024, Künker held its auction with coins of the ancient world. The sale focused on the Sayar Collection featuring specimens from Lycia, Cilicia and Pamphylia. See the highlights as well as the most expensive piece of the sale here.

Mit dieser Münze stimmt etwas nicht! Bild: NGC. Gemälde im Hintergrund: Eduard Gaertner, Unter den Linden, 1852

Counterfeit Detection: Altered Prussia 20 Mark

An NGC expert gives us insight into his everyday life. He shows how the year on a coin from the German Empire was altered by a coin doctor.

Die Basilika von Aquileia gehört zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Foto: KW

Aquileia: A Centre of the Late Roman Empire

Under the Tetrarchs, Rome lost its position as the main residence of the emperor. Other sites with a more favourable strategic location took over this role. One of them was Aquileia. Those who visit the city today will find traces of Roman civilisation everywhere. Join Ursula Kampmann on her numismatic discovery tour!

Brustplatte mit mythischem Wesen. Goldlegierung. Kolumbien, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Nahuange-Tradition). The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Schenkung von Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. Okarina in Form eines sitzenden Anführers mit herausgestreckter Zunge. Keramik. Kolumbien, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Tairona-Tradition). Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Muñoz Kramer Collection, Schenkung von Camilla Chandler Frost und Stephen und Claudia Muñoz-Kramer. Landschaftsbild: © Museum Associates/LACMA.

More than Gold – Splendour and Thought in Indigenous Colombia

A new exhibition at Zurich Museum Rietberg is dedicated to the diversity of artistic production in pre-Hispanic Colombia. On display are spectacular gold objects.

Steven R. Eichenbaum, CEO of the Certified Collectibles Group.

How the Certified Collectibles Group Takes Action Against Fraudsters

The Certified Collectibles Group (CCG) aggressively pursues bad actors who seek to defraud them and the collecting community. CEO Steven R. Eichenbaum reports on the fight and provides examples.