Screen, Elina

Numismatist and President of the British Numismatic Society

Elina Screen (*1972) is a British-Finnish medievalist and numismatist. After a stay as a visiting student (Finnish history) in Helsinki, she studied medieval history in Cambridge. In 1998, she obtained her PhD for her thesis on “The Reign of Lothar I, Emperor of the Franks (795-855), through the charter evidence”. Since then, she has been working as a lecturer and researcher at several universities in Great Britain. Currently, she is a College Lecturer at Trinity College, Oxford.

Elina Screen came into numismatics because of Mark Blackburn. He helped her with numismatic questions that came up during her PhD and introduced her to the Medieval European Coinage project (MEC), which Blackburn headed at the time. After Mark Blackburn’s death, Screen took over as General Editor of the MEC project in 2010.

A project on Anglo-Saxon coins in Norway led to her publishing two volumes of the “Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles” series: Norwegian Collections, Part I (2013) and Part II (2015).

She is currently working on another monograph Carolingian history: “Lothar I and the Remaking of Francia, 843-855”.

In 2022, Elina Screen became President of the British Numismatic Society. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Educational Academy, Member of the Royal Historical Society, the British Numismatic Society, Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society and Corresponding Member of the Finnish Numismatic Society.


If you would like to contact Elina Screen, you may write her an email.

You can find Elina Screen’s profiles on the Oxford History Faculty website and of Trinity College.

This is the website of the British Numismatic Society.