Pixodaros – Satrap of Caria

CNG’s Triton XXIV will be held on 19 and 20 January 2021 as a live online sale. One of the pieces offered in this auction is an extremely rare tetradrachm of Pixodarus, who almost became the father-in-law of Alexander the Great. We tell his story.

Ancient Sybrita: the mint where the most beautiful of Crete’s coins were made

The ancient community of Sybrita in Crete stills remains something of a terra incognita. That is even the more surprising given the fact that gorgeous silver coins had been produced there in Hellenistic times that celebrate Dionysos, the god of the wine.

Greek mercenaries in Persian service

In auction 304, the Osnabrück auction house Künker offers a series of early Persian coins showing portraits of kings and satraps, including four of the enigmatic tetradrachms of Athenian type with small portraits or Aramaic lettering. They are likely to have been produced under Persian orders for paying Greek mercenaries.

Helios, the Colossus of Rhodes – and the Rhodian tetradrachms

Ten Rhodians, ten ships, says an ancient proverb. It tells of the source of the riches of this island, which had one of the most important harbors of the ancient world. It was protected by the Colossus of Rhodes, a statue of Helios, who is also depicted on Rhodian coins.

I am the badge of Phanes

On March 8th, 2010, Gorny & Mosch will present a specimen of the mysterious key series of the early coin production. The Phanes stater from a private collection in Israel is estimated at 150.000 Euros. It is the …

Heracles the snake-strangler

Herakles strangling the snakes, this subject occurs on the coins of some very important harbor towns of Asia Minor at the same time. This article will explain what’s behind it…

Under the eyes of Artemis

The upcoming sale of Numismatica Genevensis SA on November 30, 2010 offers a unique gold stater struck by the citizens of Abydos. Here’s the story behind…