Now available: Our CoinsWeekly Special Issue for the World Money Fair 2025
We usually publish our printed CoinsWeekly Special for the World Money Fair in German, as it is tailored to the German visitors. This year, however, we decided to also offer an English version of the issue as a download for our international readers. We hope you enjoy reading it!
Dear Coin Enthusiasts,
Another year of exciting events and numismatic discoveries begins. Once again, the world will turn and times will change. That doesn’t mean that everything will be worse, just that it will be different at the end of the year than it is today.
The numismatic market is also constantly changing. It’s not the same today as it was when I wrote my first auction catalogue in 1987. And even then, my older customers lamented how much their world of collecting had changed.
Some were afraid of this development. This too has not changed. Change is still scary today. I understand that. Even though I personally see change as something neutral, I know that there are always winners and losers. The winners are those who manage to adapt to change and take advantage of it. The losers will be those who refuse to change, who bury their heads in the sand and refuse to accept that the world will always be changing.
Panta rhei, everything flows – the ancient Greeks knew this. And for them, the world did not change as quickly as it does for us.
CoinsWeekly is right in the middle of this changing numismatic world. We talk to the winners and losers of change, to those who welcome every new technology and to those who would prefer to keep things as they have always been. As a leading numismatic medium, we consider it to be our job to accompany this change. In this issue you will find an article on how the collector’s market has become an investor’s market. This article is part of a larger series of articles on the changing coin market that will be published at irregular intervals by CoinsWeekly.
Not yet a reader of CoinsWeekly? Then subscribe today for free. We will keep you up to date with everything that is happening in the numismatic world.
Yours Ursula Kampmann