German oaks and national sentiments

It is rather unspectacular what can be seen on German 1, 2 and 5 Cent coins: a simple oak branch – boring, one might say. However, the oak symbol is very old and closely connected with Germany, its national identity and its democracy for nearly 300 years…

Drachm, Dirham, Crown and Pound

Our sponsor, the MoneyMuseum in Zurich, will soon issue a second, revised edition of its booklet on money and currencies in history. We present the new text here on the Internet…

Heracles the snake-strangler

Herakles strangling the snakes, this subject occurs on the coins of some very important harbor towns of Asia Minor at the same time. This article will explain what’s behind it…

The Laurion silver

But one day, one noon, I believed I had found it. I was at Sounion all by myself; the summerly sun was burning; the wounded pines dripped resin…

Sikyon and its Chimaira

Why do we find Chimaira on the staters of the city of Sikyon? A search for traces…

Olympia and the Eleans – The introduction of the cult of Hera

For us Olympia seems to be equivalent to the peaceful contest of all nations. In referring to ancient tradition we forget entirely that …

Drusus and Sejanus – Roman Rules of Succession to the throne

At the death of Augustus the Roman polity was not a hereditary monarchy. The power over the Romans was not transferred automatically …

Buckingham gold hoard

Around midday on Saturday 16 December 2006 two metal detectorists strolled onto a field near Buckingham and within a few minutes picked up a valuable gold coin that was lying on the surface. By the end of the weekend …

A relic from Germany’s post-war era: a hoard of cigarette boxes

Time and again the happiness has been described a collector experiences when at a coin fair he finds the one, the small and seemingly insignificant object …

Rare Medieval coin on offer in Künker’s next auction sale – an unedited denarius of Charles the Great (768-814) from Bourges

In the March 2010 auction sale of the auction and coin trading company Fritz Rudolf Künker in Osnabruck an extraordinary coin from the reign of Charles the Great will be offered for sale.