A King in Your Wallet: Pound Coins Featuring Charles III Enter Circulation

Almost two years after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, her successor, King Charles III, is gradually arriving in the wallets of the British – and new faces will also be appearing in change in Denmark and Luxembourg.

Marks and Pfennigs in Your Inheritance: What Should Heirs Do with Old DM Coins?

When dealing with inheritances, it’s common for heirs to come across coins from the Deutsche Mark era –often, these Pfennigs and Marks can feel overwhelming. However, heading straight to the Bundesbank, where nearly all DM coins can be exchanged indefinitely, isn’t always the best option.

Coins for a New Audience from Singapore

In 2019, coin designer Karz launched his coin publishing company Spectres. He and his team aim to create coins for our modern world – coins that they would be happy to buy themselves. We introduce the young company and some of their products.

Social Organisations and Bundesbank Advocate for Cash

Coins and banknotes continue to hold significant importance in an increasingly digital world – a point that prominent societal figures have recently underscored in a new position paper. They highlight the social functions of cash and its vital role for disadvantaged groups.

2-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in August 2024

The 2-euro world is in a summer slump: only two new coins will be released in August, but there is good news for price-conscious collectors – interesting details were released about the issues of the coming months.

New Issue by Spectres – Jukebox Coin

Dive into the golden age of American Music with a coin designed for music lovers and collectors alike: The Jukebox Coin.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Feature Auction 127 ⸱ 17-18 September 2024 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Feature Auction 127 is highlighted by a number of collections and individual rarities, with the majority of the material coming from the ancient world. The 1251 lots have presale estimate of just over $2 million.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 569 ⸱ 28 August 2024 ⸱ Online

Classical Numismatic Group presents their Electronic Auction 569, featuring 1073 lots. It includes collections of Alexandrian, Oriental Greek and Central Asian as well as world and British coinage.


Künker ⸱ Auction 410-414 ⸱ 23-28 September 2024 ⸱ Osnabrück

Künker’s Fall Auction Sales will feature several world-class special collections. The topics include the Thirty Years’ War, lösers, Württemberg, the German Empire, the Netherlands, Russia, the U.S. and precious individual pieces from the German states and all over the world.

Paul-Francis Jacquier

Paul-Francis Jacquier⸱ Auction 53⸱ 13. September 2024⸱ Online

The first purchases for the R.L. Collection date back well beyond the beginning of the First World War. Three generations built up this ensemble. Paul-Francis Jacquier is now offering the second part of this magnificent collection for sale: gold coins of the Roman emperors.