Hidden Coins Indicate the Destruction of a City

In the 4th century, the Jews revolted one last time against Roman rule. Now, for the first time, there is archaeological evidence of the destruction of the city of Lod during the suppression of the revolt – a hoard of coins recently found by Israeli archaeologists in the ruins of a building.

CIT’s Iron Maiden Series: Pop Culture Meets Minting Technology

CIT teamed up with Iron Maiden to release a coin series, celebrating the creativity of one of the world’s most successful heavy metal groups. The British musicians have reinvented themselves time and time again. As a result, no two coins in CIT’s Iron Maiden series are alike. With its latest issue, CIT is now rounding out the series.

Nick Vaneerdewegh is the New Conservator of the Brussels Coin Cabinet

As of 19 August 2024, Nick Vaneerdewegh has been appointed as the new conservator of the Brussels Coin Cabinet, which houses one of the finest public numismatic collections in the world.

New Swiss Silver Coin “Switzerland”

On 12 September 2024, the Federal Mint Swissmint will launch the 20-franc silver coin entitled “Switzerland” in honour of the country becoming a federal state in 1848. The limited-edition special coin will go on sale on Switzerland’s unofficial birthday.

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The international numismatic community and CoinsWeekly need your help! Only with the help of coin scouts all over the world can we realise our project of a numismatic travel guide.
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Éditions Victor Gadoury

Éditions Victor Gadoury ⸱ October 2024 Auction – Part 2 ⸱ 26 October 2024 ⸱ Monaco

On 25 and 26 October 2024, Gadoury will hold two auction sales. The second one contains numerous remarkable individual pieces. You can look forward to rarities from antiquity, China, France, Great Britain and Italy as well as a small run of US coins.

Éditions Victor Gadoury

Éditions Victor Gadoury ⸱ October 2024 Auction – Part 1 ⸱ 25 Oktober 2024 ⸱ Monaco

On 25 and 26 October 2024, Gadoury will hold two auction sales. The first auction will present seven collections. The material ranges from the ancient world to France, as well as to coins of the Papal States, the Holy Roman Empire and Transylvania. You can look forward to many rarities!

Heritage Auctions

Heritage Auctions ⸱ HBO® Original Game of Thrones The Auction ⸱ 10-12 October 2024 ⸱ Dallas

Attention Game of Thrones fans: Heritage is selling the series’ core inventory of over 2000 suits of armor, clothing, weapons and other iconic props. Anyone interested in fantasy coins will also find a few lots with coins from Westeros and Essos.

The Protagonists of the Thirty Years’ War: A Slightly Different Preview of Künker’s Auction 410

On 23 September 2024 Künker will auction off a breathtaking collection including many multiple gold coins, multiple talers and rare medals relating to the Thirty Years’ War. We present the most beautiful pieces, and explain why the men depicted on these issues took part in the Thirty Years’ War.

Lars Emil Bruun (1852–1923): From the Local Inn to an International Enterprise

The auction of the exceptional Bruun collection, 100 years after the collector’s death, has attracted a great deal of attention. But who was Bruun as a person? What inspired him? On behalf of Stack’s, Ursula Kampmann went in search of Bruun’s personality and compiled a short biography.