Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 582 ⸱ 5 March 2025 ⸱ Online

Classical Numismatic Group presents their Electronic Auction 582 with 1223 lots. The sale again features coins from notable collections, including Roman Republican coins from the Robert W. Hubel Collection and Romano-British coins from Dr. Malcolm Lyne Collection.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics ⸱ March 2025 Fixed Price List ⸱ 27 February 2025 ⸱ Online

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 410 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices. See some of the highlights here.


Noonans ⸱ Auction 317 ⸱ 19 February 2025 ⸱ London

The Hammersley Collection of exceptional British Milled Sovereigns fetched a hammer price of £274,000 at Noonans Mayfair. Comprising 62 lots, the collection represented the best group of milled sovereigns to be dispersed in London for over a decade.

VOC: The Other Side of the Dutch Golden Age

VOC coins tell the story of the Netherlands’ colonial past. The States General granted the VOC all the rights of an independent state: it could declare war, make treaties and issue its own currency. Join us on a trip to Indonesia, the place where the spices grew that financed the Dutch Golden Age.

The Suffering of Leiden – A Siege During the Dutch Revolt

The third part of the Beuth Collection that Künker offers in Auction 420 contains many historically interesting emergency and siege coins. They were issued by the Dutch towns besieged by Spain during the 80 Years’ War. One of these towns was Leiden, which to this day commemorates the end of the siege every year with a festival.

From a Collector’s Market to an Investor’s Market: Reasons, Consequences, Opportunities, Part 2

Today we continue Ursula Kampmann’s analysis of the change from collector to investor market with the second part. Find out how the market for American coins became a perfect investor’s market.

Spectacular Coin Hoard Discovered in the Province of Utrecht

A hoard of 404 coins has been unearthed in the province of Utrecht. It is probably the first find on the European mainland to include both Roman and British Celtic coins. The coin find underlines the importance of the Lower Germanic Limes for the Roman invasions of Britain.

2023 Was a Record Year for Archaeological Finds in the UK

The British Museum has launched the latest Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Annual Report, showing a record high of 74,506 finds recorded by the public in 2023. See some of the highlights here.

How the Romans Made Counterfeits

Counterfeits have been around in ancient Roman times, too – usually, they were cast from a copper-tin alloy. Researchers at the University of Tübingen examined the counterfeiting process and reconstructed it experimentally. A video documents their experiment.

Conference on Ancient Coin Legends in Munich 2025

The conference “Ancient coin legends: composition, design, lexicography, and framing potential” will take place from 26 to 28 June 2025 in Munich, Residenz (Bavarian Academy of Science).