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Künker eLive Auction 86: Special Collection Dr. Björn-Gunnar Haustein

eLive Auction 86
3-7 March 2025

From March 3 to 7, 2025, the Künker eLive Auction 86 takes place, which starts each day at 2 pm (CET). The online auction presents over 3,800 lots with coins from the Ancient World as well as Coins and Medals from Europe and Overseas, including interesting special collections: Byzantium, Bavarian history talers, Hesse and Oldenburg.

The special collection with coins and medals from Germany and the German Empire by Dr. Björn-Gunnar Haustein will kick off the auction on Monday, 3 March 2025.

Lot 5829: Roman Imperial. Vespasianus, 69-79. Aureus, 72/73, Rome. Small scratches, almost very fine. Estimate: 2,000 EUR.

Lot 5829: Roman Imperial. Vespasianus, 69-79. Aureus, 72/73, Rome. Small scratches, almost very fine. Estimate: 2,000 EUR.

Lot 6319: France. Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Double louis d’or aux huit L et aux insignes 1702 A, Paris. Slight signs of over-stricking, very fine. Estimate: 4,000 EUR

Lot 6319: France. Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Double louis d’or aux huit L et aux insignes 1702 A, Paris. Slight signs of over-stricking, very fine. Estimate: 4,000 EUR

This is followed by the Ancient Coins with a special focus on Celtic and Greek Coins. On Tuesday, the special collection Byzantium – 1000 years of minted history awaits you. The second day will conclude the auction with European Coins and Medals.

Lot 6940: USA. Federation. 20 Dollars 1876 S, San Francisco. Liberty. With motto: “IN GOD WE TRUST”. Extremely fine. Estimate: 2,500 EUR.

Lot 6940: USA. Federation. 20 Dollars 1876 S, San Francisco. Liberty. With motto: “IN GOD WE TRUST”. Extremely fine. Estimate: 2,500 EUR.

Lot 7598: Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Rudolf August and Anton Ulrich, 1685-1704. Reichstaler 1704, Braunschweig, on the death of Rudolf August on January 26th. Rare, especially in this condition. Nice patina, extremely fine-uncirculated. Estimate: 2,000 EUR.

Lot 7598: Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Rudolf August and Anton Ulrich, 1685-1704. Reichstaler 1704, Braunschweig, on the death of Rudolf August on January 26th. Rare, especially in this condition. Nice patina, extremely fine-uncirculated. Estimate: 2,000 EUR.

The Wednesday will begin with Coins and Medals from Overseas, followed by pieces from the Habsburg hereditary lands-Austria and rarities from Germany with the special collection of Bavarian thalers.

Thursday is all about German Coins and Medals and there are two special collections to offer: Hesse and Oldenburg. On the last day of the auction, medals, coins of the German Empire and various lots will come under the virtual hammer.