Solidus offers French Gold Coins of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
Solidus Numismatik e.K.
Auction 120
13 June 2023
In the current auction 120, Solidus presents 400 attractive lots with some rarities, including several French gold coins of the late Middle Ages and early modern times. At the end of the auction, interesting groups of coins are offered with very moderate estimated prices. The auction will be held as a live auction on the auction platform AUEX on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 from 16:00. Pre-bids can already be submitted. Customers with a Sixbid account can also participate in the auction live via Sixbid.
The auction begins with some Celtic coins. This is followed by a selection of Greek coins, from Magna Graecia to the Greek motherland and to the Greek colonies in the Black Sea area and in Asia Minor as well as the Hellenistic kingdoms. Particularly beautiful is a tetradrachm of the Macedonian king Perseus. (lot 29).
Selected Roman Provincial coins follow, including an extremely rare piece of Caligula from Caesarea (lot 80). This is followed by some denarii of the Roman Republic and coinage of the Roman imperial period, besides some nice coinage of the early imperial period, numerous antoniniani and some sestertii of the 3rd century. Some Byzantine coins conclude the offer on antiquity.
Among the coins of the Middle Ages, some rare French gold coins deserve mention (lots 189 – 194), as well as a gold florin of the diocese of Utrecht (lot 202), three rare Polish denarii (lots 203 – 205) and rare silver coinage of the principality of Wallachia (lots 216 – 400).

Lot 228: Teutonic Order. Archduke Maximilian (1590 – 1618). Ducat without year. Hall. Estimate: 900 EUR.
Among the coins of modern times, the following should be highlighted: an almost mint ducat of the Teutonic Order of Archduke Maximilian (lot 228), a series of French gold coins (lots 232 – 240), a Gold Crown of James VI of England (lot 241), a half Real d’or of Philip II from the Spanish Netherlands (lot 242) and three Russian jetons (243 – 245). A selection of Islamic coins follows.

Lot 240: Kingdom France, Louis XIII. 2 Louis d’or à la croisette 1640 A. Paris. Estimate: 8,500 EUR.
The last section of the auction is made up of interesting coin groups with very moderate estimates and a selection of numismatic literature.