Estimated price: $30.000CYPRUS. Salamis. Menelaus (ca. 310-306 BC).
AV stater (17mm, 8.33 gm, 6h).
NGC Choice AU★ 5/5 - 4/5, Fine Style
2024 November 1 - 2 World & Ancient Coins Platinum
Session and Signature® Auction #3119
Estimated price: $25.000Zeeland. Provincial gold Off-Metal Ducat 1764
UNC Details (Reverse Repaired) NGC
2024 November 1 - 2 World & Ancient Coins Platinum
Session and Signature® Auction #3119
Estimated price: $25.000Gaius (Caligula) (AD 37-41), with Agrippina Senior.
AV aureus (20mm, 7.76 gm, 6h). NGC AU 4/5 - 4/5
2024 November 1 - 2 World & Ancient Coins Platinum
Session and Signature® Auction #3119
Estimated price: $15.000Charles II gold 5 Guineas 1673 AU55 PCGS2024 November 1 - 2 World & Ancient Coins Platinum
Session and Signature® Auction #3119
Estimated price: $12.500Central American Republic gold 8
Escudos 1833 CR-F MS61 NGC
Estimated price: $20.000João VI gold 4000 Reis 1820-(b) AU Details (Cleaned) PCGS58001
Estimated price: $25.000LYDIAN KINGDOM. Croesus (561-546 BC).
AV stater (17mm, 10.77 gm). NGC Choice AU 5/5 - 5/5
Estimated price: $25.000Holland. Provincial gold Proof Pattern Ducaton (Silver Rider)
1672 PR63 NGC
Estimated price: $20.000Julius Caesar, as Consul for the Third Time (46 BC),
with Aulus Hirtius, as Praetor. AV aureus
(20mm, 7.91 gm, 9h). NGC MS★ 4/5 - 5/5
Estimated price: $10.000Philip III 8 Reales 1618 (Aqueduct)-A MS66 NGC130001
all Premium auctions

SINCONA’s October Auctions


Auctions 92-95


21-24 October 2024


Once again, SINCONA’s October Auctions will be held over four days. And once again, friends of world numismatics can look forward to delving into four catalogues presenting the material. A total of 3438 lots with an estimate of 5.7 million Swiss Francs await the collectors and are sure to spark interesting and exciting bidding battles.

The auction cycle will begin with issues from the Arab world, divided into the third part of the Kian Collection and the Tuhfa Collection (Auction 92). This will be followed on the next day by Russian coins and medals (Auction 93) as well as the first part of the general catalogue with issues from all over the world (Auction 94). The third auction day will be devoted to the same catalogue, also including the traditional SINCONA bullion auction, and will conclude with a large section of Swiss coins, medals and banknotes. As expected, the second part of the Konrad Bürki Collection (Auction 95) will provide an exciting and worthy conclusion to the four days of auction. Travel to Zurich and be our guest – the following Sunday you can also visit the Zurich Coin Fair in the heart of the city.

Auction 92 – 21 October 2024

By now, the magnificent specimens in the important Kian Collection are very well-known. Connoisseurs will find an array of selected Islamic and Persian coins – and the same holds true regarding the Arab gold coins from the Tuhfa Collection. A total of 621 lots will be offered at an estimate of nearly 1.3 million Swiss Francs.

Kian Collection – Part 3

Lot 14.

Lot 14.

  • Lot 14: Islamic Coinage, Buwayhids (Buyids). Mu’ayyad ad-dawla Abû Mansûr as vassal of his brother ‘Adud ad-dawla, governor of Jibâl, 367-372 AH (978-983). 5 Dinars 367 AH (977/978), al-Muhammadiya Mint. Unpublished cabinet piece, possibly unique. NGC MS62. Estimate: CHF 200,000
  • Lot 17: Islamic Coinage, Khwarizmshahs (Anushteginid). Muhammad (‘Ala al-Din Abu’l-Fath, b. Takish), 596-617 AH (1200-1220). 10 Dinars 613 AH (1216/1217), Ghazna Mint. Extremely rare. Cabinet piece, NGC MS64. Estimate: CHF 100,000
  • Lot 23: Iran, Safavid Dynasty. Soltan Hosayn, 1105-1135 AH (1694-1722). 20 Shahi 1107 AH (1695/1696), Isfahan Mint. Extremely rare, unpublished date and type. NGC AU58. Estimate: CHF 20,000
Lot 72.

Lot 72.

  • Lot 72: Iran, Qajar Dynasty. Fath-‘Ali Shah, 1212-1250 AH (1797-1834). 5 Tomans 1233 AH (1817/1818), Tabrîz Mint. Extremely rare cabinet piece with nice remaining mint lustre. NGC MS61. Estimate: CHF 35,000
Lot 80.

Lot 80.

  • Lot 80: Iran, Qajar Dynasty. Mohammad Shah, 1250-1264 AH (1834-1848). Medallic 5 Tomans n.d. (1250 AH, 1834), Najaf Mint (?). Shiite religious medal. Minted in the year of Mohammad Shah’s coronation. Extremely rare. Scratch on reverse. NGC AU Details. Estimate: CHF 35,000
  • Lot 93: Iran, Qajar Dynasty. Nâsir al-Din Shâh, 1264-1313 AH (1848-1896). Pattern 5000 Dinars 1297 AH (1879/1880), Tehran Mint. Plain edge. Extremely rare. Beautiful condition with magnificent patina. NGC PF64. Estimate: CHF 20,000

The Tuhfa Collection

  • Lot 501: Islamic Coinage, Arab-Latin Coinage. Sulaymân (b. ‘Abd al-Malik), 96-99 AH (715-717). Dinar 98 AH (716/717), al-Andalus Mint. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 12,000
  • Lot 502: Islamic Coinage, Umayyads. Yazîd II (b. ‘Abd al-Malik), 101-105 AH (720-724). Dinar 102 AH (720/721), Ifriqîya Mint. Very rare. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 8,500
Lot 540.

Lot 540.

  • Lot 540: Islamic Coinage, Abbasids. al-Mu‘tazz billâh (Abû ‘Abd Allâh Muhammad, b. al-Mutawakkil), 251-255 AH (865-869). Dinar 252 AH (866/867), Makkah Mint. Extremely rare, only 7 to 8 specimens are known from this year. Estimate: CHF 15,000
  • Lot 609: Islamic Coinage, Nasrids of Granada. Muhammad XII “Boabdil” (b. ‘Ali b. Sa‘d), 887-888, 891-897 AH (1482-1483, 1486-1492). Dinar n.d. (1482-1492), Gharnata Mint. Of the highest rarity, probably the third known specimen. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 10,000
  • Lot 642: Islamic Coinage, Taifas Almoravids (Murabitun). Hamdîn b. Muhammad, 539-540 AH (1145-1146). Dinar 540 AH (1145/1146), Qurtuba (Cordoba) Mint. Rare. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 4,500
Lot 838.

Lot 838.

  • Lot 838: Islamic Coiange, Ayyubids. al-Nâsir Salâh ad-dîn Yûsuf I (b. Ayyûb, “Saladin”), 564-589 AH (1169-1193). Dinar 583 AH (1187/1188), Dimashq Mint. Of the highest rarity, the only gold coinage of Saladin in Syria. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 15,000
  • Lot 889: Islamic Coiange, Seljuq of Rum (Rum Seljuq). Kaykâ’ûs I (b. Kaykhusraw I, ‘Izz ad-dîn), 607-616 AH (1210-1219). Dinar 615 AH (1218/1219), Sîwâs Mint. Extremely rare. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 6,000

Auction 93 – 22 October 2024

353 lots with an estimate of almost 700,000 Swiss Francs – this catalogue presents rare and exciting coins and medals in gold and silver, including a special selection of 49 5-rouble coins.

Lot 1012.

Lot 1012.

  • Lot 1012: Russia, Empire and Federation. Peter I, 1682-1725. 2 Ducats 1714, Red Mint. With small punch mark “C” – as a sign of Count Emeryk Hutten-Czapski, probably from the collection of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich. Of the highest rarity. NGC VF30. Estimate: CHF 150,000
  • Lot 1060: Russia, Empire and Federation. Ioann Antonovich, 1740-1741. Rouble 1741, St. Petersburg Mint, SPB. Very rare and of extraordinary condition. From the Köhlmoos Coll. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 10,000
Lot 1083.

Lot 1083.

  • Lot 1083: Russia, Empire and Federation. Peter III, 1762. 10 Roubles 1762, St. Petersburg Mint, SPB. Very rare. Min. test cut. NGC AU Details. Estimate: CHF 25,000
  • Lot 1180: Russia, Empire and Federation. Nicholas I, 1825-1855. Rouble 1839, St. Petersburg Mint, SPB NG. Very rare. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 15,000
  • Lot 1194: Russia, Empire and Federation. Nicholas I, 1825-1855. 5 Roubles 1845, St. Petersburg Mint, SPB KB. Cabinet piece. Finest certified by NGC. NGC MS65+. Estimate: CHF 5,000
  • Lot 1292: Russia, Empire and Federation. Nicholas II, 1894-1917. Rouble 1899, Brussels Mint, (**). Cabinet piece from the Fuchs Collection. NGC PF64. Estimate: CHF 5,000

Auction 94 – 22 October 2024

As usual, this catalogue is the most extensive one. It presents more than 1000 lots with an estimate of over 1.9 million Swiss Francs. Coin enthusiasts will find large selections on various countries, such as China (54 lots), Germany (184 lots), France (69 lots), Great Britain (83 lots), Italy (133 lots including rare patterns), the Holy Roman Empire (124 lots) and the USA (109 lots). Here are a few examples:

  • Lot 1571: China, Empire. Qing Dynasty. Bronze medal 1902. On the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion. In original box. Very rare. Mint State. Estimate: CHF 7,500
Lot 1616.

Lot 1616.

  • Lot 1616: Denmark, Frederik III 1648-1670. 4 Ducats 1659, Copenhagen Mint. So-called “Ebenezer” 4 Ducats. Minted during the Dano-Swedish war. Of the highest rarity, probably only seven specimens known. NGC UNC Details. Estimate: CHF 20,000
  • Lot 1669: Germany, City of Nuremberg. 5 Ducats 1698, Nuremberg Mint. Commemorating the Peace of Ryswick. Very rare. NGC MS63*. Estimate: CHF 10,000
Lot 1675.

Lot 1675.

  • Lot 1675: Germany, City of Regensburg. 22 Ducats n.d. (after 1784), Regensburg Mint. With title of Joseph II. Dies by Johann Nikolaus Körnlein. Mint master Georg Christoph Busch. Of the highest rarity. The only known specimen, of magnificent condition. Estimate: CHF 80,000
  • Lot 1676: Germany, Reuss, Younger Line (Schleiz), Henry XII 1744-1784. Ducat 1764, Saalfeld Mint. Very rare. Only 224 specimens struck. NGC MS62. Estimate: CHF 5,000
  • Lot 1719: France, Kingdom. Louis XIV 1643-1715. Silver medal n.d. (1671). Commemorating the construction of the fortifications of Dunkirk. Cabinet piece of the highest rarity. About Mint State. Estimate: CHF 5,000
  • Lot 1794: Great Britain, Kingdom. Charles II 1660-1685. 5 Guineas 1668, London Mint. VINCESIMO. From the Köhlmoos Coll. Very rare, NGC AU58. Estimate: CHF 40,000
  • Lot 1838: Great Britain, Kingdom. Edward VII 1901-1910. Pattern Crown 1902. Of the highest rarity. Only 7 specimens struck in this weight. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 10,000
  • Lot 1900: India, British India. Victoria 1837-1901. 1 Mohur 1841, Calcutta Mint. Divided legend, small date. Magnificent condition, NGC MS62. Estimate: CHF 14,000
Lot 1931.

Lot 1931.

  • Lot 1931: Italy, Kingdom, Vittorio Emanuele II 1861-1878. 10 Centesimi 1867, Brussels Mint (angel head), engraver’s mark OM for Oesgher Mesdach from Strasbourg. Of the highest rarity. NGC MS62 BN. Estimate: CHF 50,000
Lot 1964.

Lot 1964.

  • Lot 1964: Italy, Kingdom, Vittorio Emanuele III 1900-1946. 20 Lire 1928 / Anno VI R, Rome Mint. Gold pattern. Of the highest rarity, only 15 specimens struck. NGC MS63. Estimate: CHF 200,000
  • Lot 1993: Italy, Naples/Sicily. Ferdinando IV 1st period, 1759-1799. 4 Cavalli 1788, Naples Mint. Copper pattern. Of the highest rarity. Cabinet piece. Finest certified by NGC. NGC MS65 BN. Estimate: CHF 10,000
  • Lot 2210: Holy Roman Empire / Austria. Maximilian II, 1564-1576. Gold medal 1563. Celebrating his coronation as King of Bohemia. Very rare, struck specimen. NGC UNC Details. Estimate CHF: 12,500
  • Lot 2440: USA. 1 Dollar 1799, Philadelphia Mint. Heraldic eagle reverse. Extremely rare condition. Cabinet piece. PCGS MS63. Estimate: CHF 35,000
  • Lot 2548: USA, Private and Territorial Gold. 10 Dollars 1852, San Francisco Mint. United States Assay Office of Gold. Very rare in this condition. NGC MS61. Estimate: CHF 15,000

This October, SINCONA’s bullion auction presents 136 lots. By now, every customer knows that bids in this section are not based on the currency but made as a percentage of the precious metal price. Customers do not pay a premium on the hammer price, no matter whether they are on site, submit their bids via writing or take part in the auction online.

The afternoon of 23 October is dedicated to Swiss numismatics – coins, banknotes and medals: everything a collector’s heart desires.

  • Lot 3124: Switzerland, Geneva, City and Canton. Triple Pistole 1771, Geneva Mint. Only 1910 specimens struck. Magnificent condition. Mint State. Estimate: CHF 10,000
Lot 3145.

Lot 3145.

  • Lot 3145: Switzerland, Grisons, Bishopric of Chur. Johann Anton von Federspiel 1755-1777. Ducat 1767, Chur Mint. Extremely rare. Usual traces of overstriking. Magnificent condition. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 18,000
  • Lot 3150: Switzerland, Grisons, League of God’s House. 10 Kreuzers 1569, Chur Mint. Of the highest rarity, the third known specimen of this denomination but the only one in private hands. Traces of overstrike. Very Fine. Estimate: CHF 7,500
Lot 3212.

Lot 3212.

  • Lot 3212: Switzerland, Solothurn, City and Canton. 16 Francs (Duplone) 1813, Solothurn Mint. Very rare, only 150 specimens struck. Magnificent condition. PGCS MS64. Estimate: CHF 17,500
  • Lot 3371: Switzerland, Banknotes, Swiss National Bank. 100 Francs 1907, 1 February. Rare. Traces of repair. Condition after restoration: III+. Estimate CHF: 2,800
  • Lot 3418: Switzerland, Banknotes, Federal Treasury (Eidgenössische Staatskasse). 20 Francs 1914, 10 August. In Italian language. Of high rarity. Repaired. PMG 25 Very Fine. Estimate: CHF 4,500

Before leaving catalogue 94, we want you to rest assured that coins of the Confederation as well as medals and shotting issues are also well represented.

Lot 3506.

Lot 3506.

  • Lot 3506: Switzerland, Shooting Talers. Ticino. Silver medal 1902. Tiro inaugurale, San Salvatore. Extremely rare. Mint State. Estimate: CHF 500

Auction 95 – 24 October 2024

The second part of the Konrad Bürki Collection comprises 717 lots with a total estimate of more than 1 million Swiss Francs. Once again, friends of numismatic issues of the Swiss cantons will find a wealth of rarities that you will only encounter once in your lifetime. Especially the gold coins from Bern tell of the collector’s love of his home canton. So do not miss out on this opportunity!

Lot 4001.

Lot 4001.

  • Lot 4001: Switzerland, Appenzell Innerrhoden. Ducat 1737, Appenzell Mint. Dies by Jonas Thiébaud. Rare. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 12,000
  • Lot 4091: Switzerland, Bern, City and Canton. Taler 1540, Bern Mint. Extremely rare. Very Fine-Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 12,000
Lot 4129.

Lot 4129.

  • Lot 4129: Switzerland, Bern, City and Canton. 4 Ducats 1680, Bern Mint. Dies by Beat Fischer. Extremely rare. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 25,000
  • Lot 4145: Switzerland, Bern, City and Canton. 4 Ducats n.d. (ca. 1750), Bern Mint. Extremely rare, so far not offered in any auction sale. Extremely Fine-Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 30,000
Lot 4184.

Lot 4184.

  • Lot 4184: Switzerland, Bern, City and Canton. 8 Ducats 1798, Bern Mint. Extremely rare. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 40,000
  • Lot 4283: Switzerland, Lucerne, City and Canton. Taler 1518, Lucerne Mint. Broad version of 1.5x its weight. Of the highest rarity and with excellent provenance. The only known specimen. Very Fine. Estimate: CHF 20,000
  • Lot 4327: Switzerland, Lucerne, City and Canton. 24 Münzgulden (Double Duplone) 1794, Lucerne Mint. Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 18,000
Lot 4359.

Lot 4359.

  • Lot 4359: Switzerland, Neuenburg/Neuchâtel. Princes of Neuchâtel, Marie de Nemours 1694-1707. Double Pistole 1694, Neuchâtel Mint. Of the highest rarity and with excellent provenance. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 80,000
  • Lot 4438: Switzerland, Solothurn. Guldiner 1501, Solothurn Mint. Very rare, fields partially tooled. Very Fine-Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 10,000
Lot 4469.

Lot 4469.

  • Lot 4469: Switzerland, Solothurn. 8 Francs (Half Duplone) 1813, Solothurn Mint. Extremely rare. Only 106 specimens minted. Mint State. Estimate: CHF 15,000
  • Lot 4570: Switzerland, Valais. Bishopric of Sion, Matthäus Schiner 1499-1522. Guldiner 1501, Sion Mint. Very rare. Very Fine-Extremely Fine. Estimate: CHF 15,000
  • Lot 4621: Switzerland, Zurich, City and Canton. Goldkrone (gold crown) n.d., Zurich Mint. Extremely rare. Slightly wavy flan and washed. From the Hirzel Collection. Magnificent condition. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 15,000
Lot 4681.

Lot 4681.

  • Lot 4681: Switzerland, Zurich, City and Canton. Double Ducat 1739, Zurich Mint. Very rare date and of magnificent condition. About Uncirculated. Estimate: CHF 12,000

Some of SINCONA’s employees also devote themselves to numismatics in their spare time, regularly publishing academic articles and monographs. And since SINCONA’s auction days are a wonderful occasion for book presentations, participants in Auction 95 / Konrad Bürki Collection will be able to enjoy the presentation of Ruedi Kunzmann’s and Karl Weisenstein’s new work “Das Sankt Galler Probenbuch” on patterns of St. Gallen during the lunch break. An exciting opportunity!

Enjoy the many beautiful lots in the catalogues and on our website. SINCONA will be delighted to welcome you in Zurich once again in autumn. You can contact us by phone, email or online during the auction days from 21 to 24 October 2024.