Entries by Sebastian Wieschowski

Social Organisations and Bundesbank Advocate for Cash

Coins and banknotes continue to hold significant importance in an increasingly digital world – a point that prominent societal figures have recently underscored in a new position paper. They highlight the social functions of cash and its vital role for disadvantaged groups.

2-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in August 2024

The 2-euro world is in a summer slump: only two new coins will be released in August, but there is good news for price-conscious collectors – interesting details were released about the issues of the coming months.

How AI Is Transforming Numismatics

Can entire numismatic reference books be written by artificial intelligence? Are ChatGPT and similar technologies becoming competitors for news portals, specialist publishers, and PR agencies? What can AI truly achieve? We put it to the test.

2-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in July 2024

Croatia excites 2-euro collectors with a new city series – and significant improvements in minting quality. Portugal’s online shop has not been running smoothly.

2-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in May 2024

Fresh supply for all 2-euro fans: San Marino comes up with a treat for collectors, Estonia hits the headlines twice, and Belgium is already completing its numismatic 2-euro year.