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We are the bridge connecting the international numismatic world. Our readers include collectors, professional coin dealers and researchers, as well as all those involved in coin production. We are read in 170 countries! We provide you with information on everything you want to know about the subject of money – from antiquity to the present day. And much more...
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Several Positions Available at CNG Offices Around the World
Classical Numismatic Group (CNG) continues to grow and has an immediate need to fill several positions in Lancaster (PA), London and The Hague. Find a list of full-time positions open here.
Curator of Roman Coins at the Ashmolean Museum
The Ashmolean Museum seeks a Curator of Roman Coins to manage its collection of approximately 110,000 Roman Republican, Roman Imperial, and Iron Age coins. This is a permanent, full-time position.
Become a Member of the Leu Team as an External Medieval and World Coins Cataloguer
Leu Numismatik is looking for a dedicated numismatist specializing in medieval and modern coins to help them identify and catalogue coins for our floor and web auctions. You don’t have to move to Switzerland to fill this position, you can work comfortably from home!
Two Research Associates (M/F/D) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW) is looking for two research associates for the academy project “IMAGINES NVMMORVM: Thesaurus Iconographicus Nummorum Graecorum Online (ThING)”
Numismatist Seeks New Position
Dr. Claire Franklin-Werz, known to readers of CoinsWeekly for her cartoons and articles on numismatics, is seeking a new position following the passing of her long-time employer, Joachim Stollhoff.