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When Coins meet Comics: United States Mint and Warner Bros. Join Forces

The United States Mint is pleased to announce a collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products to launch a new collectible coin and medal series celebrating comic book art as a uniquely American artform, featuring DC comic book characters and art. This initiative marks the first time the Mint has entered a public–private partnership.


A heroic connection? The US Mint is planning coins and medals featuring comic book heroes from the DC universe. Photo: United States Mint / DC LOGO: © & ™ DC.

A heroic connection? The US Mint is planning coins and medals featuring comic book heroes from the DC universe. Photo: United States Mint / DC LOGO: © & ™ DC.

The Mint has a long tradition of producing coins and medals that pay homage to America’s values, icons, and significant moments. This historic alliance featuring DC Super Heroes continues that tradition and acknowledges the role comic art has played in reinforcing American ideals.

The new series will feature nine iconic superheroes depicted on 24-karat gold coins, .999 fine silver medals, and non-precious metal (clad) medals. Debuting in summer 2025 with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, the three-year series will include six additional DC characters – three each in 2026 and 2027.

Beginning on July 10 and continuing through August 11, 2024, the Mint invites the public to vote for the DC Super Heroes they would like to see included in this series. Public participation ensures that this multi-year series represents the most beloved of DC’s Super Heroes.

An “exciting” new era for the US Mint

“This opportunity with DC signals an exciting new era for the Mint as we continue our efforts to engage seasoned collectors, but also connect with younger, more diverse audiences,” said the Honorable Ventris C. Gibson, Director of the Mint. “We are thrilled to highlight the role that comic books have played in upholding American values, and the fact that the American public will be a guiding force in shaping this coin and medal series makes it even more special.”

All obverses (heads side) of the coins and medals for this program will be designed and sculpted by United States Mint Chief Engraver Joseph Menna. Each of the reverses (tails side) will be designed by one of the Mint’s Medallic Artists under Menna’s art direction.

Bringing joy to people’s lives – with coins and comics

“For me, the real gift of creating coins and comic book collectibles is how happy they make people. With that incredible honor comes great responsibility. Nothing beats bringing joy to peoples’ lives,” said Menna. “Comic books are my greatest inspiration. Comic books taught me how to draw, to dream, and got me through some of the most challenging times in my life. I am really looking forward to celebrating the impact of comic art through coins and medals. I see this as an opportunity for me to combine all the worlds I love together, bringing to the American people what I hope will be the greatest collectibles of all time.”

Founded in 1934 as National Allied Publications, DC is one of the oldest comic book publishers in the world. The Mint is launching this new product line with DC based on its position as a pioneer of the comic art industry and the natural fit of its primary characters with American values. This historic arrangement with the Mint promises more exciting collaborations in the future.”

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