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Coin Dealers Targeted by Organized Crime Groups Following Coin Show Attendances

The Numismatic Crime Information Center warns that coin dealers in the USA are being targeted by organized crime, especially after attending coin shows.

Mithilfe modernster Prägetechnik wird das Rheintal mit einem beeindruckenden Relief dargestellt.

100 Years Swiss Franc in the Principality of Liechtenstein

In 2023, CIT caused a sensation among collectors around the world with its Grand Canyon issue. The same state-of-the-art minting technology is now being applied to a depiction of the Rhine Valley. The occasion: one of the rare commemorative coin issues of Liechtenstein.

Die leuchtenden Augen stechen aus der Black Obsidian Oberfläche heraus.

New CIT Issue: Hunters by Night – Ocelot

Since 2020, CIT has been releasing its award-winning and successful Hunters by Night series. The fifth issue is now dedicated to the ocelot, with the nocturnal hunter’s eyes standing out almost hypnotically against the Black Obsidian surface.

Gold bars at the supermarket? A growing success in the U.S. for over a year. Photo credit: Global_Intergold (foreground) via pixabay, Leung Cho Pan (background) via Canva Pro.

A Year of Gold Bars in US Supermarkets: Could the Costco Model Work in Europe?

Since autumn 2023, Americans have been able to invest in gold at the wholesale chain “Costco.” Those who bought then have enjoyed a handsome return – but whether gold will ever be sold at Aldi or Lidl in Europe remains uncertain.

Curaçao is getting a new currency – and with it, new coins. Photo: LPETTET via Getty Images.

A New Era for the Caribbean: The Caribbean Guilder is Coming

In March 2025, a new currency will be introduced – the Caribbean Guilder. Collectors can look forward to intricately designed coins and banknotes that highlight the cultural and maritime identity of the islands of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.

The design of the 2-euro coin commemorating the 35th anniversary of German reunification is causing debates. Artist of the coin's obverse: Thomas Serres (Hattingen), artist of the reverse: Luc Luycx (Belgium), photographer: Hans-Joachim Wuthenow (Berlin).

Two-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in September 2024

The Federal Republic is once again stirring up the collector world with two surprising announcements. Additionally, San Marino, Slovakia, and Latvia are delighting collectors with new designs.

Coin Dealers Targeted by Organized Crime Groups Following Coin Show Attendances

The Numismatic Crime Information Center warns that coin dealers in the USA are being targeted by organized crime, especially after attending coin shows.

Mithilfe modernster Prägetechnik wird das Rheintal mit einem beeindruckenden Relief dargestellt.

100 Years Swiss Franc in the Principality of Liechtenstein

In 2023, CIT caused a sensation among collectors around the world with its Grand Canyon issue. The same state-of-the-art minting technology is now being applied to a depiction of the Rhine Valley. The occasion: one of the rare commemorative coin issues of Liechtenstein.

Die leuchtenden Augen stechen aus der Black Obsidian Oberfläche heraus.

New CIT Issue: Hunters by Night – Ocelot

Since 2020, CIT has been releasing its award-winning and successful Hunters by Night series. The fifth issue is now dedicated to the ocelot, with the nocturnal hunter’s eyes standing out almost hypnotically against the Black Obsidian surface.

Gold bars at the supermarket? A growing success in the U.S. for over a year. Photo credit: Global_Intergold (foreground) via pixabay, Leung Cho Pan (background) via Canva Pro.

A Year of Gold Bars in US Supermarkets: Could the Costco Model Work in Europe?

Since autumn 2023, Americans have been able to invest in gold at the wholesale chain “Costco.” Those who bought then have enjoyed a handsome return – but whether gold will ever be sold at Aldi or Lidl in Europe remains uncertain.

Curaçao is getting a new currency – and with it, new coins. Photo: LPETTET via Getty Images.

A New Era for the Caribbean: The Caribbean Guilder is Coming

In March 2025, a new currency will be introduced – the Caribbean Guilder. Collectors can look forward to intricately designed coins and banknotes that highlight the cultural and maritime identity of the islands of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.

The design of the 2-euro coin commemorating the 35th anniversary of German reunification is causing debates. Artist of the coin's obverse: Thomas Serres (Hattingen), artist of the reverse: Luc Luycx (Belgium), photographer: Hans-Joachim Wuthenow (Berlin).

Two-Euro Ticker: New 2-Euro Coins in September 2024

The Federal Republic is once again stirring up the collector world with two surprising announcements. Additionally, San Marino, Slovakia, and Latvia are delighting collectors with new designs.