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Numisstaxx: The Launch of a New Innovative Platform

The new platform Numisstaxx aims to allow its users to easily digitalize and share coins and create certificates of authenticity in a forgery-proof environment.

ACCG Introduces Their New Executive Director

Since January 1, 2024 the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild has had a new Executive Director: Keith Twitchell. Twitchell replaces Peter Tompa, who will remain active on the ACCG Board of Directors

Peter K. Tompa Appointed as New IAPN Executive Director

The International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) has a new Executive Director: Peter K. Tompa succeeds Jean-Luc Van der Schueren.

Classical Numismatics Gets Off to a Great Start to 2024 in New York

The 52nd New York International Numismatic Convention was held from 12 to 14 January at the InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel. All the “sold” signs on the dealers’ tables clearly show that classical numismatics is still in high demand.

Coins from the Era of Marius and Sulla Discovered in Tuscany

In the Livorno region, a hoard of 175 Roman Republican denarii of remarkable quality was found in 2021. The existence of the treasure was kept secret until an exhibition displayed the pieces in 2023.

Successful December 2023 HKINF

The organizers of the 11th Hong Kong International Numismatic Fair (HKINF) are grateful for the positive feedback they received for the event. The date of the next HKINF has now been announced. Tables are still available.

Numisstaxx offers various models for collectors, dealers and mints.

Numisstaxx: The Launch of a New Innovative Platform

The new platform Numisstaxx aims to allow its users to easily digitalize and share coins and create certificates of authenticity in a forgery-proof environment.

Ursula Kampmann with Keith Twitchell at the 2024 NYINC. Foto: Sebastian Wieschowski.

ACCG Introduces Their New Executive Director

Since January 1, 2024 the Ancient Coin Collectors Guild has had a new Executive Director: Keith Twitchell. Twitchell replaces Peter Tompa, who will remain active on the ACCG Board of Directors

Peter K. Tompa.

Peter K. Tompa Appointed as New IAPN Executive Director

The International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) has a new Executive Director: Peter K. Tompa succeeds Jean-Luc Van der Schueren.

Hustle and Bustle at one of the two ballrooms: The New York Numismatic International Convention is known for stylish and elegant venues. Photo: Sebastian Wieschowski-

Classical Numismatics Gets Off to a Great Start to 2024 in New York

The 52nd New York International Numismatic Convention was held from 12 to 14 January at the InterContinental New York Barclay Hotel. All the “sold” signs on the dealers’ tables clearly show that classical numismatics is still in high demand.

The denarii of this hoard lay in the ground for 2,000 years without anyone noticing them. Photo: Franco Sammartino.

Coins from the Era of Marius and Sulla Discovered in Tuscany

In the Livorno region, a hoard of 175 Roman Republican denarii of remarkable quality was found in 2021. The existence of the treasure was kept secret until an exhibition displayed the pieces in 2023.

The HKINF is one of the most important numismatic fairs in Asia.

Successful December 2023 HKINF

The organizers of the 11th Hong Kong International Numismatic Fair (HKINF) are grateful for the positive feedback they received for the event. The date of the next HKINF has now been announced. Tables are still available.