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How Not To Handle a Gold Transport

Nearly a million euros worth of gold coins were transported in a carrier van to a precious metals dealer without any security measures. No prizes for guessing whether or not they actually got there. A lawsuit in Bavaria reveals how this could happen.

Further Investigations into the Stolen Celtic Coin Hoard

Following police success in the case of the stolen Celtic gold hoard, the authorities have made additional details public. It appears that the perpetrators were professionals, but their professionalism was their undoing.

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Benin Bronzes Lawsuit Against Smithsonian

Shall all Benin bronzes be repatriated? The Restitution Study Group says no. They argue for the rights of descendants of slaves trafficked by the Benin Kingdom as you can learn from this interview by Kate Fitz Gibbon.

IAPN General Assembly in Marseille 2023

At their 71st General Assembly in Marseille, the International Association of Professional Numismatists elected new members, increased the Executive Committee, and awarded the prestigious IAPN Book Prize.

World’s Fair of Money Convention Medal 2023

The 2023 World’s Fair of Money will have a special Convention Medal. Medallic artist Jamie Franki has designed a medal featuring what makes the conventions’s location Pittsburgh unique in the world.

There are many ways of transporting gold. But you should never save on security measures. Source: Jazella / Pixabay

How Not To Handle a Gold Transport

Nearly a million euros worth of gold coins were transported in a carrier van to a precious metals dealer without any security measures. No prizes for guessing whether or not they actually got there. A lawsuit in Bavaria reveals how this could happen.

Investigators found 18 gold lumps in the possession of one suspect. The composition of the metal indicates that the lumps were created by melting down the Celtic hoard. Photo: Bavarian Criminal Investigation Department.

Further Investigations into the Stolen Celtic Coin Hoard

Following police success in the case of the stolen Celtic gold hoard, the authorities have made additional details public. It appears that the perpetrators were professionals, but their professionalism was their undoing.

Every Thursday, an automated entry in the Numista forum lists new CoinsWeekly articles.

CoinsWeekly and Numista

Would you like to discuss our latest articles with like-minded people? You can now easily do so in the Numista forum!

Single-figure plaque, mid-sixteenth to seventeenth century, cast copper alloy, Dallas Museum of Art. Photo: Daderot via Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain.

Benin Bronzes Lawsuit Against Smithsonian

Shall all Benin bronzes be repatriated? The Restitution Study Group says no. They argue for the rights of descendants of slaves trafficked by the Benin Kingdom as you can learn from this interview by Kate Fitz Gibbon.

In Marseille the dealers’ association IAPN hold their 71st General Assembly in June 2023. Photo: Tiia Monto via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

IAPN General Assembly in Marseille 2023

At their 71st General Assembly in Marseille, the International Association of Professional Numismatists elected new members, increased the Executive Committee, and awarded the prestigious IAPN Book Prize.

The ANA commemorates the 2023 World’s Fair of Money with a special Convention Medal.

World’s Fair of Money Convention Medal 2023

The 2023 World’s Fair of Money will have a special Convention Medal. Medallic artist Jamie Franki has designed a medal featuring what makes the conventions’s location Pittsburgh unique in the world.