Estimated price: 10000€GRÈCE ANTIQUE - GREEK
Sicile, Syracuse, Agathoclès (317-289 av. J.-C.).
MDC Monaco / Auction 1515
Estimated price: 40000€ROMAN EMPIRE
Hadrien (117-138). Aureus 134-138, Rome.
MDC Monaco / Auction 15150
Estimated price: 200.000€ROMAN EMPIRE Constantine I (307-337).
Multiple of 2 solidi
MDC Monaco / Auction 15185
Estimated price: 200.000€FRANCE Second Empire / Napoleon III (1852-1870).
Gold pattern of 100 francs bare head, Proof, smooth edge,
A under the bust, 1855, A, Paris.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151240
Estimated price: 200.000€FRANCE Second Empire / Napoleon III (1852-1870).
Gold pattern of 100 francs laureate head,
Specimen (SP) 1862, E, Paris.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151272
Estimated price: 300.000€GREAT BRITAIN William IV (1830-1837).
Crown, gold strike, Proof 1831, London.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151767
Estimated price: 700.000€GREAT BRITAIN Victoria (1837-1901).
5 pounds “Una and the lion”, headband with 5 rolls
and 9 leaves, Proof 1839, London.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151773
Estimated price: 60.000€GREAT BRITAIN Victoria (1837-1901).
Crown pattern, smooth edge, by William Wyon,
Proof 1845, London.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151776
Estimated price: 40.000€ITALY Guastalla (county then duchy),
Ferdinand II Gonzaga (1575-1630).
10 doppie 1610, Guastalla.
MDC Monaco / Auction 151872
Estimated price: 50.000€ITALY Savoy, Victor Amadeus II (1675-1730).
Gold medal, module of 20 ducats
MDC Monaco / Auction 151899

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Carl Theodor in Bavaria: The Old Nobility Takes Up a New Role

In the context of Künker’s phaleristic sale at the end of October, the Osnabrück auction house will present orders from the estate of Carl Theodor Duke in Bavaria. Carl Theodor is one of the most interesting figures of Bavarian history. In contrast to his famous sister Sisi, he managed to live a fulfilled and self-determined life – as an eye specialist.


“Alexandria in Nummis”– Impressions from the Symposium in Lugano

On 20 and 21 September, the Circolo Numismatico Ticinese (CNT) held an international symposium in Lugano dedicated to the Roman Imperial Coinage of Alexandria. Fabrizio Rossini, CNT president, shares his impressions of the event.

Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel Elected as Associate Member of the Board of the Berufsverband des Deutschen Münzenfachhandels e.V

The Berufsverband des Deutschen Münzfachhandels e.V. recently held its board elections and made important personnel decisions.

NGC Grading Coins On-site in Munich in November 2024

NGC will once again offer its popular on-site grading service of pre-1965 coins and medals at its office in Munich, Germany, from November 11-16, 2024.

Swinging London: Coinex 2024

Despite Brexit and competing events, Coinex is definitely worth a trip – especially to meet the many young dealers who gather there. After all, London is swinging at Coinex, too! Ursula Kampmann reports.

From Brutus to Brandt – Digital Exhibition of the Deutsche Bundesbank

The Deutsche Bundesbank presents “From Brutus to Brandt – Coins as a Testimony to Collective Memory”. In this sophisticated digital exhibition, eight coins from antiquity to the present day are examined in detail.

Hideo Futahashi (†2024)

We have only now learned that Hideo Futahashi has passed away. Mr. Futahashi was a key figure for Europeans looking to gain a foothold in the Japanese coin market. He was one of those open-minded Japanese who loved introducing European coin enthusiasts to the beauty of his country.