Article of the week

Some of the protagonists of the 30 Years' War depicted on coins. Coin photos: Künker (see further illustrations of the article). Background: copper engraving of the second battle of Breitenfeld on October 23, 1642, detail.

The Protagonists of the Thirty Years’ War: A Slightly Different Preview of Künker’s Auction 410

On 23 September 2024 Künker will auction off a breathtaking collection including many multiple gold coins, multiple talers and rare medals relating to the Thirty Years’ War. We present the most beautiful pieces, and explain why the men depicted on these issues took part in the Thirty Years’ War.


Können Sie sich vorstellen, wie eine ganze Million Münzen aussieht? Foto: vetkit via Shutterstock.)

What to Do With a Million Pennies?

Imagine you are cleaning out the house of a late relative and find 1 million cent coins in the process. What would you do with them? This is what happened to a California family. Why had this huge amount of coins been amassed? And what could they be worth?

Archaeological Museum of Tegea, exhibition view. Image: Savvas Avramidis (KIKPE Numismatic Collection, Athens).

A Numismatic Itinerary Through the Peloponnese

The Archaeological Museum of Tegea in Greece shows in a temporary exhibition how places in the Peloponnese were presented on ancient coins.

Fr. Henniker, Notes during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis Boeris, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 2nd Edition, London, 1824, X+352 S.

Sir Frederick Henniker: Notes during a visit to Egypt…

200 years ago, Sir Frederick Henniker embarked on his Grand Tour to the Middle East. His travelogue gives a vivid insight into the beginnings of cultural tourism and the antiquities trade. A specimen is currently being offered by Münzen & Medaillen GmbH.

Dr. Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert.

2022 Huntington Medal Award Goes to Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert

Dr. Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert is the recipient for the 2022 Huntington Medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions to numismatic scholarship.

The numindex on 13 June 2023.

The Numismatic Index on 13 June 2023

The numismatic index numindex transparently shows how the prices of selected coins change over time. In the style of a stock index, it was designed for collectors who consider their collection an investment. Find out about the current state of the index.

Pobjoy’s 50 Pence Moon Coin

Pobjoy Mint has issued a 50 pence coin featuring the surface of the moon. The coin is available in two versions and comes with special permission granted by NASA.