Tag Archive for: Romans

Documenting the Past: an Ancient Industry recorded in Coinage

An unusual coin type recently sold for 30,000 GBP at the London-based Ceres Auction House depicts an ancient industry, hitherto unrecorded on coinage or sculptural reliefs: the production of noodles.

Alexander of Abonuteichos – a lesson from Asia Minor about gullibility in the 2nd cent. A. D.

You are one of those people who believe than there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy? Well, you are in accordance with a deep-seated tradition and can appeal to the fact that already in antiquity there were people who thought the same as you. ..

Roman Coins from the Mint of Milan

In Auction 43 of Münzen and Medaillen GmbH a collection of Roman imperial coins minted in Milan will be on offer (Lots 460-529). Here you will learn more about the issues of this mint.

Magnus Maximus or the Last Romans in Britain

Around 400 AD the Roman Empire was shaken to the core. Britain’s governor claimed himself Roman Emperor, but found his only long-lasting success in the Welsh mythology.
By examining 12 coins we are going to stroll through Great Britain’s history – this is part 1…

Postumus – The creator of the Gallic Empire

Alemanni, Juthungi, Franks, and Sassanians attack the Roman world. Postumus seizes the moment and establishes the Gallic Empire. We will tell the story of his coins on the basis of a comprehensive special collection which will be sold at the upcoming Jacquier Auction.

In the emperor’s service – the legions

Do you sometimes dream of visiting the epoch when Roman legions dominated the world, in the same way as the time traveller of H. G. Wells? Of course it is impossible, but modern re-enactment gives you quite a good idea of what the soldiers once accomplished.

Assassins of Caesar

Coins featuring the portrait of Brutus are extremely rare. Coin portraits of Cassius, even more so. Thus far, there is only one known coin type which probably depicts the staunch Republican. In the forthcoming Künker Fall Auction 280, you can come face to face with both assassins of Caesar.

A donative of Constantine the Great

This impressive piece belongs to a small series of silver medallions celebrating the vicennalia of Constantine II, the eldest surviving son of Constantine the Great, in 336.

The Son of Divine Caesar

Two rare aurei of the Gorny & Mosch sale from Augustus’ early years obtained impressive prices. Yet as intriguing as the two coins is the history of the man who minted them: Octavian better known as Augustus.

Coins of Lucilla ‘born to the purple’

Lucilla Augusta was very special at her time: not only was she the daughter of emperor Marcus Aurelius, but at the same time she was his co-emperor’s wife. Claire Franklin illustrates by Lucilla’s coin designs how she lived her role.