Coin Dealer Italo Vecchi Charged with Grand Larceny

Coin dealer Italo Vecchi has been indicted in Manhattan for first-degree grand larceny as well as other felonies. The charges are related to the trial against Richard Beale and the forged provenance of what used to be the world’s most expensive ancient coin.

Our Who’s Who Is Here!

Our entire Who’s Who for numismatists and collectors is now available on our new website. This is another important step on our path towards transitioning from our old to the new site. And there is more!

2023 American Medal of the Year Award

In 2023, the American Medal of the Year award goes to a medallist who paid tribute to Ukraine and its president. Two other medals were chosen as finalists.

CCG’s Mark Salzberg Announces Retirement

After nearly 40 years in the world of collectibles, Mark Salzberg has announced his retirement. His decisions as leader of Certified Collectibles Group have had much impact on numismatics.

The Numismatic Index on 25 June 2023

The numismatic index numindex transparently shows how the prices of selected coins change over time. In the style of a stock index, it was designed for collectors who consider their collection an investment. Find out about the current state of the index.

9th International Symposium in Early Medieval Coinage 2024

The 9th International Symposium in Early Medieval Coinage will be held in April 2024. The symposium is a great opportunity for specialists, collectors and detectorists to meet – and of course to give a talk.

Heritage Auctions

Heritage Auctions ⸱ HKINF Auction June 2023 ⸱ 20-23 June 2023 ⸱ Hong Kong

A high-graded Hsüan-t’ung silver Specimen Pattern “Long-Whiskered Dragon” Dollar Year 3 (1911) realized the highest result in Heritage’s Hong Kong Auction in June 2023. A 6 billion Yuan was the highlight of the World Paper Money auction.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries

Stack’s Bowers Galleries ⸱ June 2023 Auction ⸱ 13-16 June 2023 ⸱ Costa Mesa

Stack’s Bowers Galleries offered Physical Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency coins of a combined face-value of ca. $320,000 in their June 2023 Showcase Auction. These lots realized $621,590 proving the current interest of collectors in this phenomenon.

Nomos AG

Nomos AG ⸱ Obolos 28 ⸱ 2 July 2023 ⸱ Online

Nomos has selected interesting, rare and beautiful coins, ranging from the Celtic to the modern world. The auction house has assembled 820 lots of fair priced coins for the coin-collecting community.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Keystone Auction 12 ⸱ 5 July 2023 ⸱ Online

CNG’s new Keystone Auction 12 offers 561 lots of Islamic coins. The sale is particularly strong in Umayyad, ‘Abbasid, and Fatamid issues.