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9th International Symposium in Early Medieval Coinage 2024

The Ninth International Symposium in Early Medieval Coinage will be held on Saturday 20th April 2024, in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic (ASNC), at the Faculty of English, 9 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DP.

English Faculty building, 9 West Road, Cambridge, current home of the ASNaC Department. Image: Alarichall via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

English Faculty building, 9 West Road, Cambridge, current home of the ASNaC Department. Image: Alarichall via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Among others, the speakers include Rory Naismith, Gareth Williams and John Hines. As usual, the group will meet in Cambridge on Friday evening to socialize over a pizza dinner. This is a great opportunity for specialists, collectors and detectorists to meet and the organizers look forward to seeing you.

The symposium is free other than a £20 fee, on entry, to cover refreshments and buffet lunch.

If you are interested in attending or speaking, please contact the organizers via email. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay!

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