A War Fought with Unusual Weapons: How Prussia Used Finance and Politics to Force the Habsburg Hereditary Lands Out of the German Confederation

On 26 March 2024, the Künker auction house will offer the Tursky Collection with coins of Emperor Franz Joseph I. We use specimens from this collection to tell the story of how Prussia used its economic sway to become the sole hegemonic power in Germany.

CoinsWeekly News in the Coiniverse App

The Coiniverse app helps its users identify coins and manage their own collections, while CoinsWeekly provides in-depth information on numismatic topics from around the world. As a new feature, Coiniverse users can now access CoinsWeekly articles directly in the app.

Bernt Ahlström (1936-2019)

You will hardly find a dealer in the numismatic world who is completely unfamiliar with the name Bernt Ahlstrom. On the occasion of the sale of his numismatic library at Gut-Lynt, Arne Kirsch recounts the eventful life of the coin dealer and bon vivant.

Medaljer Konstnärer – Medaillen und ihre Künstler – Medals and Their Artists

Roberto Delzanno presents his publication on five important Swedish medalists. The book of over 400 pages features texts in Swedish, German and English, as it aims to introduce Swedish medal art to the broader international collector community.

CIT’s Wild Mongolia – Snow Leopard

Wild Mongolia is the series with which CIT first introduced the new possibilities of smartminting® 2.0. By now, CIT has once again expanded the possibilities of smartminting® with the launch of smartminting® 4.0, and this is already the fifth issue of the Wild Mongolia series. It is dedicated to the snow leopard and features yet another innovation.

CIT’s Tiffany Art Metropolis – Seoul

CIT dedicates its fourth issue of the Tiffany Art Metropolis series to an Asian city. Following Paris, Rome and London, in 2024 CIT presents the metropolis of Seoul on the Han River.


Künker ⸱ eLive Premium Auction 407 ⸱ 26 March 2024 ⸱ Osnabrück

Those interested in Austrian coins will certainly be familiar with the name of Prof. Mag. Heinz Tursky, who passed away in April 2023. Künker offers his extensive collection of coins issued by Emperor Franz Josef.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 558 ⸱ 20 March 2024 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Electronic Auction 558 includes 1056 lots. The sale is again headlined by Alexandrian coins from the Beniak Collection.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries

Stack’s Bowers Galleries ⸱ Spring 2024 Showcase Auction ⸱ 25 March-3 April 2024 ⸱ Costa Mesa

Stack’s Bowers official auction of the Whitman Coin & Collectibles 2024 Spring Expo presents a diverse range of items from all series of American numismatics, including U.S. coins and currency, Numismatic Americana, and Physical Cryptocurrency.

Agora Numismatiek

Agora Numismatiek ⸱ Fixed Pricelist XXIV ⸱ 14 March 2023 ⸱ Online

Agora Numismatiek presents a carefully selected range of high-quality ancient Greek and Roman coins at fixed prices.