Background: Doktent via Wikicommons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Regensburg: Where the Emperor and the Empire Met

Only a few German cities issued as magnificent early modern coins as Regensburg. And there is a good reason for this – gold and heavy silver coins in particular were in high demand in this city. Not for trading purposes but for representation. After all, the Perpetual Diet of the Holy Roman Empire sat in Regensburg. Read here how it worked and what role coins played in this event.

Illustration: „highyou“ / Canva Pro.

Germany’s New Platform Tax Transparency Act: A Problem for eBay Coin Dealers?

Germany’s new Platform Tax Transparency Act has caused great concern among German coin collectors. Will they have to explain themselves to the tax authorities whenever they sell pieces of their collection? In most cases, the answer is no. Unless their hobby turns into a regular side-line.

The Capitoline Museum is home of some of the most important cultural goods of Italy. Image: Suicasmo via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Legal Head of Italian Culture Ministry: “Fiendishly Extensive” Proofs Bar Imports

A significant statement on the importation of numismatic goods was issued in June 2023 by the legal department of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Read an analysis by Valentina Tarquini for Cultural Property News here.

The symposium will be hold on occasion of the the 100th anniversary of Joseph Vogt’s important publication.

Alexandria in Nummis – International Symposium in Lugano 2024

The Circolo Numismatico Ticinese presents the program to the international symposium “Alexandria in Nummis” dedicated to the Roman Imperial Coinage of Alexandria.

The Stack’s Bowers Professional Numismatist Program is the perfect opportunity to make your hobby your profession.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries 2024 Professional Numismatist Program

If you have ever considered making your hobby your profession, the Stack’s Bowers Professional Numismatist Program offers an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to be successful in this field.

12th Kuala Lumpur International Numismatic Fair

Over 60 exhibiting companies will attend the Kuala Lumpur International Numismatic Fair, which will take place from March 29th to March 31st, 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a budding enthusiast, this event offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of rare and valuable treasures.

Spring Sberatel Fair 2024

The spring edition of the Sberatel collector fair will take place on March 22 and 23 – the perfect opportunity to combine your hobby with a trip to beautiful Prague!

Lot 1399: Clement X. Medal for the Holy Year of 1675 by Giovanni Martino Hamerani. Background: Edyttka1388 via Pixabay.

Coins and Medals of the Popes: Representatives of the Catholic Church

Since the 16th century, people throughout Europe have collected coins and medals of the popes. Papal issues were often intended to be collectibles rather than a means of payment. Künker presents a little introduction to this fascinating subject.


Künker ⸱ Auction 403-406 ⸱ 18-22 March 2024 ⸱ Osnabrück

Once again, Künker presents numerous special collections at their Spring Auction Sales. You can look forward to papal coins and medals, issues of the Mainz mint, Regensburg as well as Löwenstein-Wertheim. Moreover, a plethora of world coins and medals is on offer with a focal point on German issues.

The NumisPlace

The NumisPlace ⸱ Spring 2024 Special Release ⸱ 14 March 2024 ⸱ Online

The NumisPlace presents its Spring 24 Special Release with a selection of high quality coins & medals from various dealers, including ancient coins as well as world coins.