Entries by Bruno

A-Mark Precious Metals Acquires Stack’s Bowers Galleries

One of the largest auctioneers in the numismatic world has a new owner. Stack’s Bowers Galleries, including its parent company, entered into a definitive merger agreement to be acquired by A-Mark Precious Metals.

Now available: Our CoinsWeekly Special Issue for the World Money Fair 2025

We usually publish our printed CoinsWeekly Special for the World Money Fair in German, as it is tailored to all the German visitors. This year, however, we decided to also offer an English version of the issue as a download for our international readers. We hope you enjoy reading it!

Hadrian, the Traveling Emperor– Our CoinsWeekly NYINC Special Issue

Few emperors seem as likeable as Hadrian, an emperor from the provinces for the provinces, who was very different from all his predecessors. Learn more about Hadrian and his coinage in our new CoinsWeekly Special Issue for NYINC 2025. Now available as a free download!

Solidus Numismatik

Solidus Numismatik ⸱ Auction 137 ⸱ 12 November 2024 ⸱ Online

Solidus Auction 137 offers a wide selection of ancient coins, including attractive Greek and provincial Roman silver coins as well as denarii. Among the modern coins is part 2 of a special collection of Romanian issues minted between 1930 and 1956.

Numismatica Genevensis SA

Numismatica Genevensis SA ⸱ Auction 19-21 ⸱ 9-10 December 2024 ⸱ Geneva

On 9 and 10 December 2024, Numismatica Genevensis will hold three auctions featuring a wealth of perfect coins – from the Islamic world to antiquity, from half crown-size pieces and Swissmint patterns to a spectacular series of all British five-guinea pieces.

Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG / Classical Numismatic Group, LLC / Numismatica Genevensis SA

Numismatica Ars Classica NAC AG / Classical Numismatic Group, LLC / Numismatica Genevensis SA ⸱ Auction 151 ⸱ 3 December 2024 ⸱ Zurich

Classical Numismatic Group, Numismatica Genevensis and Numismatica Ars Classica have joined forces to present part 2 of the exceptional collection of Geoffrey Cope. The auction offers numerous great rarities of British numismatics.

Numismatic Fine Art

Numismatic Fine Art ⸱ Auction 1 ⸱ 22 November 2024 ⸱ Online

Numismatic Fine Art is holding its first auction this month. The offer contains 370 selected pieces from ancient to modern times, including many coins from the Roman Republic and Augustus.

The Roman Civil War of 68/9: The Prelude to the Year of the Four Emperors

Heidelberger Münzhandlung will offer a series of coins of impeccable quality struck during the Roman Civil War at its auction on 12 and 13 November 2024. We take advantage of this opportunity to examine the historical background of these issues, going back to a time when counter-emperors did not (yet) dare to put their portrait on coins.

Joachim Stollhoff († 2 November 2024)

On 2 November 2024, Joachim Stollhoff, owner of Münzen und Medaillen GmbH, passed away after a short and serious illness. In him, we have lost a coin dealer of the old school. Ursula Kampmann remembers a companion.