Entries by Bruno

Striking Designs – Exhibition at the Dumbarton Oaks

A new special exhibition is on view at the Dumbarton Oaks Museum in Washington D.C. „Striking Designs: Communicating Through Coins” explores what the images on coins can tell us about the late Roman and Byzantine empire.

NICAC Raises Concerns Over 2026 World Cup Commemorative Coins

The Numismatic Industry Coinage Advisory Committee (NICAC) released a report expressing concerns with legislation authorizing the minting of coins commemorating the 2026 FIFA World Cup. This gives us a fascinating insight into what happens behind the scenes when a coin is issued for a major sporting event.

Swedish Economy Museum Reopened

Ever since the Swedish “Economy Museum – Royal Coin Cabinet” moved to a new location in 2019, there have only been special exhibitions on display. Now, the two permanent exhibitions on the topics of money and the economy were finally opened.

Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics ⸱ June 2024 Fixed Price List ⸱ 20 June 2024 ⸱ Online

Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 247 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices. See some of the highlights here.

Oslo Myntgalleri Opening Sister Company in Denmark

The auction house Oslo Myntgalleri will open a sister company in Denmark with Michael Märcher as CEO. He and his team will run a traditional coin shop in Aarhus as well as a large online shop.

New CIT Issue: Reconstruction – Elephant

With the Reconstruction series, CIT presents a new type of coin design, showcasing once again the ingenious way in which B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt transforms the demanding designs of the Liechtenstein innovators into minted objects.