Entries by Peter Terhorst

Evento Numismático Internacional

There is a new coin show aimed at the Spanish-speaking world: from 26 to 29 June 2024, the first Evento Numismático Internacional will take place at the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel in Madrid, and will include a coin show, numerous presentations and an extensive cultural programme.

Monnaie de Paris Faces Criticism from Enthusiastic Collectors

As athletes around the world prepare to deliver top performances at the Olympic Games, the Monnaie de Paris – France’s prestigious mint – has disqualified itself in the eyes of many collectors for unsporting behaviour. What happened?

2022 Biggest Year for Treasure Finds in the UK

Earlier this year, the British Museum launched the latest Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Annual Report. This showed that in 2022, over 50,000 archaeological finds were recorded, including 1,378 Treasure cases – the highest ever reported in a single year. See some of the highlights here.

The NumisPlace

The NumisPlace ⸱ Summer 2024 Special Release ⸱ 6 June 2024 ⸱ Online

The NumisPlace presents its Summer 24 Special Release with a selection of high quality coins & medals from various dealers, including ancient coins as well as world coins.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Keystone Auction 14 ⸱ 12 June 2024 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Keystone Auction 14 features exceptional English hammered coins from the James P. Rosen Collection.

Nomos AG

Nomos AG ⸱ Nomos 32 and 33 ⸱ 8-9 June 2024 ⸱ Zurich

Nomos AG presents their auctions 32 and 33. Nomos 33 is highlighted by the Jonathan H. Kagan Collection of archaic and classical Greek coins.

Stephen Album Rare Coins

Stephen Album Rare Coins ⸱ Auction 49 ⸱ 13-16 June 2024 ⸱ Santa Rosa

The Stephen Album Auction 49 is made up of 4075 lots of Ancient, Islamic, Indian, Chinese, and World Coins coming from many notable collections.

Heidelberger Münzhandlung

Heidelberger Münzhandlung ⸱ Auction 88 ⸱ 13.-15. May 2024 ⸱ Heidelberg

Heidelberger Münzhandlung had the pleasure of offering two collections in their auction 88: Brunswick and the German Empire. The auctioneer and the consignors were pleased with the solid market and the strong results. Here are some comments on current trends.

For Railroad Fans: The Suram Tunnel

Railroad history is linked to numismatics in many ways. Fascinating large-scale projects were often celebrated with medals and commemorative coins. Our example takes us to Georgia: A medal that will be offered for auction by Künker commemorates the opening of the Suram Tunnel.

Wolfgang Steguweit Receives the Federal Cross of Merit

The renowned numismatist Wolfgang Steguweit has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German President has thus honoured Steguweit’s cultural achievements – and not only in the field of numismatics.