A New Pattern from Germany of the Yunnan Dragon Dollar

Heidelberger Münzhandlung presents a new testimony to the active cooperation between China and Germany: a pattern of the Dragon Dollar for Yunnan, produced with German minting presses.

Prussian Switzerland

For more than a century, Prussian kings ruled over the Swiss Principality of Neuchâtel. By means of coins from the Axel Tesmer Collection, which will be on sale on 28 and 29 September 2021 at Künker in Osnabrück, this article explains how that came about and which coins commemorate this period.

Heinrich Wilhelm von Werther: The Man Who Averted a War

Sometimes, a war can be prevented or provoked by a single diplomat: this is the story of Heinrich Wilhelm von Werther, who played a central role in preventing a Europe-wide war from breaking out in 1830. The French king presented him with a unique medal, which will be auctioned at Künker on 27 September 2021.

When Cologne Almost Became Calvinist

In 1582, the Archbishop of Cologne converted to the Reformed faith. Not for religious reasons but because he wanted to marry his beloved. This triggered a war. In its anniversary auction 350, Künker offers a 2 1/2 taler piece of this bishop.

Politics, Religion and Divine Retribution: The Failed Ambitions of William II of Orange

In its anniversary auction sale 350, Künker offers a medal by Sebastian Dadler, which deals with the failed ambitions of the Stadtholder of the Netherlands: he would have liked for the Eighty Years’ War to go on for a bit longer.

Finally – Or: Duke Augustus Celebrates His Birthday

Lösers were more than representative coins. They played an essential role in court ceremonials that took place on special occasions. The löser rarities of the Friedrich Popken Collection, which will be auctioned off at Künker on 29 June 2021, illustrate this function.

What Are Mining Issues? Mining Prior to the Industrial Revolution

If you mint coins, you need metal. The minting techniques employed for this were technical breakthroughs and closely linked to advances in engineering. So-called mining issues bear witness to this. Wilhelm Müseler tells their story.

Finding Treasures in Your Change: The “Turning” Stars

Did you find German euros in your change? They might be worth a fortune. Just look at the stars! If they are turning, the coin will be worth some thousand euros. Our author numiscontrol explains which types of these coins exist and what they are worth.

The Markstetten Coin Hoard: Witness to a Political Thriller in the High Middle Ages

On 18 June 2017, a coin hoard was discovered near Markstetten. It was probably buried around 1230 and is reminiscent of a dispute over the Regensburg episcopal see. Auction house Künker offers the entire hoard for sale on 25 March 2021.

Joachim I: The Power-Conscious Elector Who Minted the First Brandenburg Taler

We are back in 1521: Luther stands in Worms and can do no other and the elector of Brandenburg mints the first talers of Brandenburg history. 500 years after it was minted, Künker offers one specimen of the extremely rare talers. We tell its story.