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Martin Hirsch Becomes the New Director of the Bavarian State Coin Collection

On 1 July 2023, Dr. Martin Hirsch, formerly Acting Deputy Director and Chief Curator, became the new Director of the Bavarian State Coin Collection.


State Minister for Science and Art, Markus Blume (right), with the new Director of the Bavarian State Coin Collection, Dr. Martin Hirsch (left).

State Minister for Science and Art, Markus Blume (right), with the new Director of the Bavarian State Coin Collection, Dr. Martin Hirsch (left).

Dr. Hirsch is taking over from Dr. Friedrich Klose, who successfully managed the museum for over 13 years. ‘I am delighted to be able to entrust the management of the museum to Dr. Hirsch, a renowned numismatics expert with many contacts both here and abroad, and a long-time friend of the Bavarian State Coin Collection,’ says Markus Blume, Bavaria’s Minister for Science and Art.

Dr. Martin Hirsch says: ‘The Bavarian State Coin Collection is a museum in the heart of Munich, whose silver and gold coins take visitors on a journey from antiquity to the present day, and around the whole world – all in just one hour. Our shared mission over the coming period is to bring new life to the Collection, and to raise its visibility as a magnificent showpiece within the Munich Residenz. I also wish to share with the public that unique fascination held by coins, medals and gems, using innovative forms of digitalisation.’

Accomplished Museum Expert and Long-time Friend of the Museum

Dr. Martin Hirsch has been working at the Bavarian State Coin Collection since 2007. He was appointed Curator in 2011, Deputy Director in 2016 and then Chief Curator in 2017. In February 2021, he also took over as Acting Director of the Collection. Dr. Hirsch has curated numerous special exhibitions and helped to promote digitalisation at the museum. He is also a co-editor of specialist books and journals, as well as a visiting lecturer at the Institute of Art History at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Bavarian State Coin Collection

The Bavarian State Coin Collection dates back to Duke Albert V (1550-1579). This Renaissance prince established a ‘Kunstkammer’ (cabinet of curiosities), in which he placed particular emphasis on what were mostly ancient coins. Today, the Bavarian State Coin Collection is Bavaria’s main numismatic collection, containing over 300,000 coins, banknotes, medals and cut stones, dating from antiquity all the way to the present day. In addition to the permanent exhibition, visitors can also enjoy a rotating programme of fascinating special exhibitions. The Coin Collection is also a research institute and operates Germany’s largest public numismatic library.

The next issue of CoinsWeekly will feature an interview with Martin Hirsch detailing his plans and the challenges that await him.

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