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Numisstaxx: The Launch of a New Innovative Platform

Numisstaxx’s digital offering leads the numismatic world into the 21st century. On 10th January 2024, Numisstaxx successfully introduced its novel platform at the New York International Numismatic Convention. The platform and attached services were perceived with great interests. Numisstaxx clients can easily digitalize and share coins and create certificates of authenticity in a forgery-proof environment.

Numisstaxx offers various models for collectors, dealers and mints.

Numisstaxx offers various models for collectors, dealers and mints.

Numisstaxx is the realization of Gitta Kuenker’s vision of modern numismatic data management. Gitta grew up with passion for coins. During her long-standing career she hold different leadership positions in consulting and finance, and she is the former CEO of the World Money Fair. In 2022, she developed the idea of Numisstaxx and spent 2023 to bring her idea to life.

Driven by the fascination and possibilities of Blockchain Technology, Numisstaxx developed services for institutional and private clients around its platform:

  • Digitalization of coin data and documents on one single digital place
  • Anonymous and with a self-controllable access system
  • Secure sharing of coin data with other users
  • Creation of forgery-proof certificates of authenticity for coins
  • Numismatic research service
Left: Gitta Künker, CEO of Numisstaxx. Right: Julia Petry, COO of Numisstaxx

Left: Gitta Künker, CEO of Numisstaxx. Right: Julia Petry, COO of Numisstaxx

Security and Safety are Numisstaxx’s Priority

Numisstaxx uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to protect its clients‘ data and values. As a Swiss company, Numisstaxx complies with Swiss data privacy laws and data security requirements.

Clients receive a unique, secure key to access and protect their coin collections and certificates. Each new client is verified with cutting-edge face recognition technology. In case of institutional clients, a software checks their authenticity. Transactions on Numisstaxx’s platform are screened and monitored regarding money laundering.

Gitta Künker is convinced that the future of numismatic is digital and that dealers and collectors can realize new growth potential.

Numisstaxx AG is located in Canton Zug, Schweiz. The Numisstaxx team consists of numismatic, IT, and finance experts and enthusiasts. Numisstaxx has a cooperation with SIXBID.

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