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The Fight for Collector’s Rights: An Interview With Ursula Kampmann

For his passionately run “Numischannel” on YouTube, Argentine numismatist Damian Salgado conducted an interview with Ursula Kampmann. Among other things, they talked about private collecting, the rights of collectors and the fight against unfair legislation worldwide.

Damian Salgado has been a professor of numismatics and monetary history at the Argentine Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and at the Centro Numismático in Buenos Aires for 15 years. He is currently in charge of the classification and cataloguing of the ancient coins in the Cabinet of National Historical Museum in Buenos Aires. His YouTube channel “Numsichannel” has more than 3,800 subscribers and more than 260 videos online, dealing with many different numismatic topics. The videos are mostly Spanish language with English subtitles.

This interview however was held in English, so don’t be deterred by the Spanish introduction. Subtitles can be activated via a button under the video.


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