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We Need Your Feedback!

We need your feedback! We’ve set up a little survey to help us understand your needs better. After all, CoinsWeekly has been around for 15 years now, and our environment has changed over time. When we started out, we were the only newsletter that appeared regularly in our subscribers’ inboxes in German and English, but now almost every company uses newsletters to keep in touch with their customers. Finding out what your main areas of interest are helps us to stay relevant and interesting.

But there are other reasons why it would mean a lot to us if you participated in the survey. After all, in this increasingly competitive market, we need to explain to our advertisers why they should choose to advertise with CoinsWeekly. And credibility is key. So even if you like CoinsWeekly as it is and you don’t see why we should change, please take the time to participate in the survey.

CoinsWeekly has been free to our readers for 15 years – and we don’t want that to change. You can help us by taking 5 minutes now to complete our survey.

Click here to find our survey.

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