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Q. David Bowers’s New Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars

The Morgan Dollars are among the most famous and highly collectible US coins. Dennis Tucker discusses the new 7th edition of Q. David Bowers Guide Book and what makes these coins so fascinating.

Faust Vrančić: The Croatian Leonardo

Croatia issues two new collector coins as part of its “Croatian Innovators” series. They are dedicated to Faust Vrančić, a Croatian polymath whose parachute design, published in his 1595 book “Machinae novae”, is the first appearance of this device in a printed work.

Change in World Money Fair Berlin Management

Barbara Balz has stepped down as Managing Director of World Money Fair Berlin GmbH. Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel is her successor.

A Visit to the Japan Mint

Japan is a country where cash still plays an important role. Therefore, the Japan Mint is not a single institution but consists of several branches. Ursula Kampmann visited their offices in Saitama. Join her on a tour through the mint!

A Visit to Alesia

Alesia is part of France’s national heritage; it is where Vercingetorix lost the decisive battle against Caesar. Time and again, French politicians have been inspired by this defeat. It fuelled their will to resist and motivated France to cooperate with victorious powers. This also affected the place itself, which Ursula Kampmann visited.

Customs Repatriation to Greece Raises Questions

U.S. Customs recently confiscated fifty-one ancient coins and repatriated them to the Greek Government. But was this act really covered by the MOU with Greece? Peter Tompa gives coin collectors some advises.

Q. David Bowers, foreword by Jeff Garrett, A Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars, 7th edition. Whitman Publishing, Atlanta (GA) 2023. Paperback, 336 p., full color, 6 x 9 inches. ISBN: 0794849164. US$24.95.

Q. David Bowers’s New Guide Book of Morgan Silver Dollars

The Morgan Dollars are among the most famous and highly collectible US coins. Dennis Tucker discusses the new 7th edition of Q. David Bowers Guide Book and what makes these coins so fascinating.

Das Vorbild für die Darstellung ist ein Ausschnitt der Darstellung des „fliegenden Menschen“ der Machinae novae von 1595. Foto: © Branimir Kralj / Kroatische Münzstätte.

Faust Vrančić: The Croatian Leonardo

Croatia issues two new collector coins as part of its “Croatian Innovators” series. They are dedicated to Faust Vrančić, a Croatian polymath whose parachute design, published in his 1595 book “Machinae novae”, is the first appearance of this device in a printed work.

Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel, Geschäftsführer der World Money Fair Berlin GmbH © World Money Fair.

Change in World Money Fair Berlin Management

Barbara Balz has stepped down as Managing Director of World Money Fair Berlin GmbH. Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel is her successor.

A Visit to the Japan Mint

Japan is a country where cash still plays an important role. Therefore, the Japan Mint is not a single institution but consists of several branches. Ursula Kampmann visited their offices in Saitama. Join her on a tour through the mint!

Detail des rekonstruierten römischen Verteidigungsrings um Alesia. Foto: KW.

A Visit to Alesia

Alesia is part of France’s national heritage; it is where Vercingetorix lost the decisive battle against Caesar. Time and again, French politicians have been inspired by this defeat. It fuelled their will to resist and motivated France to cooperate with victorious powers. This also affected the place itself, which Ursula Kampmann visited.

Federal agents, National Hellenic Museum conduct largest repatriation of ancient coins to Greece in recent HSI history. Photo: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Customs Repatriation to Greece Raises Questions

U.S. Customs recently confiscated fifty-one ancient coins and repatriated them to the Greek Government. But was this act really covered by the MOU with Greece? Peter Tompa gives coin collectors some advises.