Numismatic Puzzle: Hadrian’s Beard

Well-shaved or with beard? It’s always a statement – and it even was in ancient Rome. Hadrian was the first emperor with beard. Why? Scholars are still trying to figure out the answer. The beard certainly added a whole new “touch” to his coins as this aureus shows.

Numismatic Puzzle: Vespasianus

Vespasianus had to balance the budget – and created a tax for using public urinals. Smelling at the coins, the pragmatist stated: “It does not stink!“ Neither does this denarius. But you can look directly into the face of the cunning politician that Vespasianus was!

Numismatic Puzzle: Roman Denarius

Today you will deal with a Roman denarius and put the head of Roma together. The personification of the Roman people on this 141 BC silver coin has a proud glare, but the special feature of this specimen is something completely different.

Numismatic Puzzle: Metapontum

Today’s coin from Metapontum in southern Italy is a masterpiece of incuse minting. The ear was the trademark of the Greek settlement on the Gulf of Taranto.

Numismatic Puzzle: Sybarite Bull

Incuse coinage was characteristic for the Greek colonies in southern Italy. Thus, the depiction on the obverse of coins of the city of Sybaris was always elevated, while the reverse featured the negative, deepened motif. The image is bursting with power: a mighty bull!

Numismatic Puzzle: Syracuse

This tetradrachm from Syracuse (around 500 BC) features an important innovation: an actual depiction on the reverse! In the incuse square you can see the head of Arethusa, which was later to occupy the entire reverse.

Numismatic Puzzle: Treasure Island Gotland

In this puzzle, you will find a treasure. Once you’ve solved it, you can marvel at a shiny part of the treasure hoards of Visby on the island of Gotland!

Numismatic Puzzle: San Francisco’s Old Mint

This time you will deal with San Francisco’s Old Mint, which was built as a symbol of San Francisco’s wealth after the California Gold Rush.

Numismatic Puzzle: Swissmint

Today you can try your hand at the federal mint of Switzerland. The reward is the façade of Swissmint in Bern!

Numismatic Puzzle: Joachimsthal – The Taler’s Birthplace

In 2020 we celebrated the 500th birthday of the taler. In this puzzle, you will put together the pieces of the Joachimsthal mint, which the new currency was named after.