Tag Archive for: China

The history of Chinese coinage 3 – China invents paper money

Quite rightly, China prides itself of its long history, impressively evidenced by the Chinese monetary tradition that took a different route than our western one. The third episode is about the invention of the paper money and the introduction of a coinage following the western model.

The history of Chinese coinage 1 – from barter to monetary economy

Quite rightly, China prides itself of its long history, impressively evidenced by the Chinese monetary tradition that took a different route than our western one. Learn more about the development from barter trade to monetary economy here.

German cutting edge technology in the Chinese Empire

On February 6th, 2016, 42 Chinese coin dies and 36 punches from the holdings of Otto Beh’s company will be handed over to the state coin cabinet of Saxony-Anhalt. They attest to an exciting chapter of German history of technology.

Between East and West or: the first Western coins of China

The first Chinese coins imitating western models were struck on the island of Formosa, modern-day Taiwan, nearly 200 years before. This article will tell the story, how it came about…