Tag Archive for: Medals

Napoleon’s Eternal Glory

There are very few power seekers of the past that are admired in today’s world as much as Napoleon. One of the reasons for this is his way of self-portrayal. We tell the story of one of his medals. It belonged to Napoleon himself and will be offered in Künker’s Berlin sale.

A Life’s Work of Royal Glory, Immortalized on Metal and Paper

Auction house Künker offers in its upcoming eLive Auction 58 precious and useful pieces of numismatic literature. The offer includes two editions of the most important work on the medals of the Sun King.

What Notre-Dame de Paris Means to Us

On 15 April 2019, the roof truss of Notre-Dame de Paris went up in flames. The entire world was watching when a major fire ate up the roof and caused the spire to collapse. Since then, the Fondation Notre Dame has been raising funds for the reconstruction works. Numismatica Genevensis wants to contribute to the reconstruction.

A Medal Made by Dürer as the Official Gift of the City of Nuremberg for Charles V

On 9 October 2019, auction house Künker will be auctioning an object of major art-historical importance: The very Albrecht Dürer himself had been commissioned by the Nuremberg City Council to create the dies for medals that were to be officially handed to Charles V during his entry into the city in 1521.

A long bridge for the benefit of all

On 27 September, 2012, the mayor of Berlin inaugurated the new Rathaus Bridge. It is already the sixth bridge in this historic location. An extremely rare gold medal commemorates the first stone bridge that was erected at the same place. On 27 June, 2019, the item is auctioned off at Künker in Osnabrück.

Graspable Testimonies – Testimonies to Piety from Another Time: Part 1

On 16 October, 2014, the Werner Jaggi Collection will be sold. It is the largest collection of numismatic testimonies on religious beliefs and customs the market has ever seen. Here you will find information, why these pieces were made and what can be seen on some interesting pieces.

Freedom for Algeria – The Fate of Abd el-Kader

Standing in the middle of the Château d’Amboise garden on the Loire is a Muslim cemetery from the 19th century. Here, the followers of Algerian freedom fighter Abd el-Kader were buried with honour. What brought them to this place is a story that begs telling.

200 years of service for the Popes – Hamerani, the dynasty of medallists

A Bavarian goldsmith had to flee from Munich. Who would have thought that he was to become the ancestor of one of the most important dynasty of Italian medallists?

Charles Borromeo – The Saint of the Counter-Reformation, Part 2

Charles Borromeo was considered ‘the’ saint of the Counter-Reformation. In this three-part series, we will tell you about his life. The second episode focuses on the career of Saint Charles Borromoeo and his conversion.

Charles Borromeo – The Saint of the Counter-Reformation, Part 3

Charles Borromeo was considered ‘the’ saint of the Counter-Reformation. In this three-part series, we will tell you about his life. The third episode focuses on the afterlife of the Saint who was used and utilized by the Church and his relatives in their favor.