Tag Archive for: Nations

2-Euro Commemorative Coins to Disappear from Circulation?

2-euro commemorative coins are popular collector’s items because one can find them in their own wallets. However, an increasing amount of these coins are only issued in the form of high-quality versions. Numiscontrol explains what collectors need to know about this.

Which 0-Euro Souvenir Notes Are True Rarities?

The popular 0-euro souvenir notes have been around since 2015. Our expert numiscontrol takes stock and examines which issues are mass-produced and which banknotes are true rarities.

Bavaria Wants to Change Its Treasure Law

Bavaria plans to amend its treasure law, automatically making the state the owner of all treasures found, including coin hoards. It is also planned to prohibit the use of metal detectors.

Are Euro Error Coins an Investment Opportunity?

On the Internet, prices for euro error coins are currently skyrocketing. Is it still worth it to jump on the bandwagon? Our author numiscontrol explains which justifications for expensive euros you should be wary of.

Rare Collectibles from Cyprus: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins

2-euro commemorative coins from Cyprus are extremely rare in circulation money. But which pieces are worth purchasing on the secondary market? Our author numiscontrol explains why some prices will rise – and what you’d better keep your hands off.

Collectible Treasures: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins from Spain

Spain is a popular vacation destination and the country’s coins are just as popular among collectors. Our expert numiscontrol explains which 2-euro commemorative coins are likely to increase in value and where to find them – and what traps to avoid!

Be Aware of Counterfeit Gold and Silver Coins Made in China

A Texas investor became an unsuspecting victim of fake “precious metal” and “rare coins” offered online. Read how suspiciously low prices are disguised and what you can learn from this case.

Beautiful and Rare: 2-euro Commemorative Coins from Slovenia

Slovenian 2-euro commemorative coins are hardly ever found in circulation, but they are great collectibles: our author considers them to be among the most beautiful coins in the entire eurozone. Numiscontrol will tell you everything else you need to know.

Always Rare: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins from Slovakia

Slovakia’s 2-euro commemorative issues are few and far between, and they are hardly ever found in circulation. Nonetheless, the beautifully designed coins can be an ideal start for euro collectors and offer genuine potential. Our expert numiscontrol explains why.

How to Collect 2 Euro Coins from Portugal

Outside the country, 2 euro commemorative coins from Portugal are rare to find in wallets. What’s the best way to collect these issues? And what should collectors keep in mind? Our author numiscontrol has the answers.