Tag Archive for: Renaissance

Human faces, part 33: Il Moro and Leonardo

Why was the human head the motif on coins for centuries, no, for millennia? And why did that change in the last 200 years? As a generous patron of Leonardo da Vinci, Ludovico Sforza rightfully earned his coin portrait.

Human faces, part 34: A “terrible” Pope

Why does this coin feature both the Pope and the trademark of an influential merchant family? This coin, portraying Julius II and the Fugger family business, illustrates that economy and religion always have and always will go hand in hand.

Human faces, part 35: A girl gets herself a husband

Why was the human head the motif on coins for centuries, no, for millennia? And why did that change in the last 200 years? In this episode, we will witness how a confident Isabella of Castile takes her rightful place on the throne next to her husband.