Tag Archive for: Romans

Agrippa’s Meeting of Kings at Tiberias

Josephus tells us of a most interesting meeting in Tiberias, apparently convened by Agrippa I (37-44 CE), grandson of Herod the Great, probably around 42 CE…

The courtesan Laïs in Corinth

Sex sells. That is common knowledge to the yellow press and tour guides alike, as early as ancient times. Already the Corinthians cashed in on that and promoted a tourist attraction of a particular kind: the tomb of the famous courtesan Laïs…

Manual to identify Roman coins

England’s Portable Antiquities Scheme is the most successful program on coin finds world-wide. No other country has won so many supporters to …

The sacrilege of Tarpeia – or propaganda under Augustus

Augustus’ reign went down in history as a Golden Age even though hardly any other emperor had more lives on his conscience. How did the “Prince of Peace” who continuously fought wars make his citizens believe that they lived in the happiest of all worlds?

The People of Zurich and Their Money 2: The Customs Station of Turicum

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. This time, you’ll get a chance to read about two men chatting with one another at the customs station of Turicum at the end of the 2nd century AD. Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of ‘making of’ – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to help underscore and illustrate this conversation.

Maxentius, fighter for Rome

The year 307 was one of the most eventful in the history of the tetrarchy. A golden medallion, offered by Hess-Divo at auction 334, refers to this history. On it, Maxentius is being celebrated as defender of Rome.

The sacred year of the Pagans – the Saecular Games

When the Pope declares a jubilee year, he stands in a tradition which is almost as old as Christianity itself. It was Augustus who created the practice of absolving mankind when nobody was still alive of those who had witnessed the beginning of the previous saeculum…

Gods Unto Themselves? Augustus and Caligula

The image of the Temple of Augustus on the sestertii of Caligula is among the most beautiful architectural motifs found on Roman coins. In its upcoming auction, Numismatica Genevensis is offering the finest known specimen of this fascinating issue.

Emperor Probus – Numismatic images of his reign

On September 14, 2018, the Philippe Gysen collection of barracks emperors’ antoniniani will be auctioned off at Paul-Francis Jacquier. The collection proves that one single person can advance research if he chooses his collecting field wisely.

Taxes for Rome

Hands up anyone who hasn’t come to be annoyed by the tangled mass of regulations accompanying our tax collection. Perhaps at different times, the situation had been better… Perhaps in Rome?