Tag Archive for: V-Collector

Vidal Quadras y Ramón, Manuel (1818-1894)

Don Manuel Vidal Quadras y Ramón was owner of a trading and banking house in Barcelona and a well-known coin collector. His possession was the largest and most treasured coin collection in the late 19th century’s Spain.

Vermeule III, Cornelius Clarkson (1925-2008)

Cornelius Clarkson Vermeule III was an American researcher of ancient art and curator of classical art at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. He built up a collection of Roman bronze coins.

Voirol, August (1884-1967)

Dr. August Voirol was a Swiss gynecologist, President of the Circulus Numismaticus Basiliensis and vice-president of the Swiss Numismatic Society. He wrote lenghty commentaries on most items of his collection of ancient coins.