ICOMON Annual Conference 2023: Call for Papers

The 2023 ICOMON annual conference will be held in November in Malaysia. Speakers are now invited to send their abstracts on the theme: Reinforcing Museum’s sustainable competitiveness in the peak of digitization & social/global challenges.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 545 ⸱ 30 August 2023 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Electronic Auction 545 includes 959 lots. The sale features many Greek and Roman Provincial bronzes and a fine selection of U.S. currency.

Bookophile in New Splendour – the Redesigned Website for Book Lovers

Bookophile, the Zurich MoneyMuseum’s website for book enthusiasts, has been relaunched and spruced up with a fresh look and new features. One thing, however, stays the same: it is all about the love of old books. A major emphasis – how could it be otherwise for a MoneyMuseum – is on the subject of money and society.

Pobjoy Mint Features Egyptian God Ra

The Egyptologist Thomas Young made significant contributions to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. On the occasion of his 250th birthday, Pobjoy’s releases its 2023 Egyptian Gods Series. The third coin in the series features the God Ra.

French History in Coins – Part 2: From the Second Republic to the Second Empire

In the 19th century, people in France suffered from hunger and poverty. There were uprisings and a revolution. But the first president of the new republic was a nephew of Napoleon and completely took after the old emperor.

How Not To Handle a Gold Transport

Nearly a million euros worth of gold coins were transported in a carrier van to a precious metals dealer without any security measures. No prizes for guessing whether or not they actually got there. A lawsuit in Bavaria reveals how this could happen.

French History in Coins – Part 1: Kings, Consuls and Emperors

The French Revolution also revolutionised the country’s monetary system. Join us on our voyage through the monetary history of modern France. We will start with the First Republic and one of the most famous French coins out there.

Further Investigations into the Stolen Celtic Coin Hoard

Following police success in the case of the stolen Celtic gold hoard, the authorities have made additional details public. It appears that the perpetrators were professionals, but their professionalism was their undoing.

Stack’s Bowers Galleries

Stack’s Bowers Galleries ⸱ August 2023 Global Showcase Auction ⸱ 9-25 August 2023 ⸱ Costa Mesa

Stack’s Bowers Galleries in the Global Showcase Auction offers nearly 6,000 lots of high-quality coins, including a special offering of coinage from The British Royal Mint. In total, high estimates for these sessions exceed $13 million.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 543 ⸱ 2 August 2023 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Electronic Auction 543 includes 1010 lots. The sale features Roman Provincial coinage from the Aleph Collection and a strong offering of Alexander-type tetradrachms and world Talers.