The Treasure at the End of the Rainbow

On 5 April 2022 auction house Künker offers the Christian Flesche Collection, which is probably the most spectacular collection of Celtic coins that has entered the market in recent years. Of course, it also contains the mysterious rainbow cups.

What Are Mining Issues? Mining Prior to the Industrial Revolution

If you mint coins, you need metal. The minting techniques employed for this were technical breakthroughs and closely linked to advances in engineering. So-called mining issues bear witness to this. Wilhelm Müseler tells their story.

The Monetary History of the USA, Part 5: The 70s and 80s

The political crisis of the United States continued during the 70s. After the Watergate scandal shocking the nation, President Reagan was able to restore the self-confidence of the USA – especially by means of his economic policies.

The Monetary History of the USA. Part 1: Times of War

The birth of the United States of America was anything but peaceful. Two major wars were necessary so that the nation as we know it today could emerge: the Mexican-American War and the American Civil War.

The history of Chinese coinage 3 – China invents paper money

Quite rightly, China prides itself of its long history, impressively evidenced by the Chinese monetary tradition that took a different route than our western one. The third episode is about the invention of the paper money and the introduction of a coinage following the western model.

Harold Harefoot or the Vikings in England

Cnut the Great had formed an enormous kingdom uniting Denmark, Norvegia and England. But after his death his sons Harthacnut and “Harold Harefoot” clashed with each other. And England became their bone of contention.
By examining 12 coins we are going to stroll through Great Britain’s history – this is part 2…

War is father of all

Clearly, it is evident to everyone that there are taxes to be paid. It has always been that way, one is inclined to think. But, there have been times when the rulers were obliged to ask the ruled if they were willing to pay a new tax. Why that has changed you can read here…

The great Ottoman monetary reform

On December 12, 2011, the Osnabrück auction house Künker sells the Sultan Collection of Coins of the Ottoman Empire. These 908 lots reflect the history of the coins of the last Ottoman sultans and the monetary reform of 1845…

The coins of Philipp II of Macedonia

Philipp II ranges amongst the most important rulers of Antiquity. He transformed the small and endangered Macedonia into one of the most powerful kingdoms of the Ancient world. His coins circulated in all of Greece and bought him what he needed – loyalty, politicians, mercenary soldiers…

Taxes for Rome

Hands up anyone who hasn’t come to be annoyed by the tangled mass of regulations accompanying our tax collection. Perhaps at different times, the situation had been better… Perhaps in Rome?