What is a Swede doing in Poland?

On June 26, 2019, an extensive collection of Polish rarities will be auctioned at the Künker auction 323. Among them are coins of Sigismund III, who was King of Sweden and Poland simultaneously. We recount how a Swedish prince came to rule over the Poles.

A Numismatic Journey Through the History of Poland

In 2011 World Money Fair welcomes the mint of Poland as guest of honor. On this occasion we will present some modern Polish coins dedicated to the interesting history of this nation. There are only few countries in the world, where history is still such an important issue in everyday life!

The Polish Adventure of August the Strong

Frederick August I, August the Strong, as he loved to call himself, was highly gifted and ambitious. “Little” Saxony was not enough for him, he wanted to join the game of international politics. A splendid opportunity occurred in 1696 when the Polish King had died…