Will the Online Platform “Discord” Become the Coin Club of the Future?

Young collectors are embracing technology from the world of computer games to pursue their hobby. Thousands of coin enthusiasts discuss, trade and compete on gaming servers – and from time to time they meet in European capitals to hunt for rarities.

Joachim Stollhoff (18.7.1948-2.11.2024)

Claire Franklin-Werz also wrote an extensive obituary for her long-time friend and mentor Joachim Stollhoff.

Report of the 30th ICOMON Annual Conference in Stockholm

The International Committee of Money and Banking Museums (ICOMON) held its 30th Annual Conference in Stockholm from 25 to 28 September 2024. The Economy Museum, as host institution, welcomed over 110 participants and 42 speakers from over 30 countries across the globe.

ANA eLearning Academy Now Without Access Restrictions

It is no longer necessary to be an ANA member or to log in to access the content of the American Numismatic Association’s eLearning Academy. A wealth of numismatic education opportunities is available there and easy to access.

Directory of Circulating Coins – 4th Edition is Now Available

The fourth edition of the Directory of Circulating Coins has been published. Five years after the last edition, the useful reference book for current circulation coins is now up to date again.

Joachim Stollhoff. Neben ihm, wie auf fast allen unseren Fotos, Claire Franklin-Werz. Foto: UK.

Joachim Stollhoff († 2 November 2024)

On 2 November 2024, Joachim Stollhoff, owner of Münzen und Medaillen GmbH, passed away after a short and serious illness. In him, we have lost a coin dealer of the old school. Ursula Kampmann remembers a companion.

New Permanent Coin Exhibition at the Ducal Palace of Mantua

The most comprehensive collection of Mantua and Gonzaga coins and medals is now on long-term display at the Ducal Palace of Mantua. The exhibition is curated by numismatist Massimo Rossi.

Emsiges Treiben auf der Münzenmesse in Zürich. Auch hier bemerkten Sammler und Händler den Momentanen Trend. Foto: Michael M. Zagorowski.

Numindex Update: Prices for Mid-Grade Coins Are on the Rise

Even the Prices for mid-grade coins are on the rise at the moment. That is confirmed by the coin price index numindex. Michael Zagorowski tells us about the causes and recent observations in the trade and at coin shows.

You can find Achaemenid and Hellenistic period coin types from the southern Levant in LCO. Image: ANS.

Levantine Coins Online (LCO) Now Live

A new digital database is now available online: “Levantine Coins Online” catalogs Achaemenid and Hellenistic period coin typologies from the southern Levant. The database will be continuously expanded with new areas and collections.

Der Gründer und CEO von Numismatic Fine Art, André M. Bollinger.

Numismatic Fine Art – A New Auction House Introduces Itself

Numismatic Fine Art has been operating an online store for some time already, and now the first auction is about to take place. Here, André Bollinger introduces his company to the numismatic community.