Tag Archive for: Nations

The meaning of the symbols on the euro banknotes

On the euro banknotes various symbols are printed that contain important information. We give an overview of the symbols which might be of interest to coin collectors and dealers.

The history of Chinese coinage 3 – China invents paper money

Quite rightly, China prides itself of its long history, impressively evidenced by the Chinese monetary tradition that took a different route than our western one. The third episode is about the invention of the paper money and the introduction of a coinage following the western model.

The People of Zurich and their Money 8: a technology from Zurich captures the world

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. Hans Vogler was involved in the promotion of a machine that was to revolutionize minting – but he gained no profit out of it.
Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of ‘making of’ – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to underscore and illustrate this conversation.

The People of Zurich and their Money 9: Burning a woman – 7 pfund 10 shilling

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. Today, you will learn from Master Hans which price he charged the Säckelmeister (treasurer) in 1701 – for torturing, beheading and burning a woman! Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of ‘making of’ – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to underscore and illustrate this conversation.

The People of Zurich and their Money 3: At the Market in Zurich

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. In this instalment, you’ll get to read a dialogue between a buyer from out of town who’s trying to pay for his purchases in the year 1335. Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of ‘making of’ – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to help underscore and illustrate this conversation.

The People of Zurich and their Money 5: The Soldier’s Wages of Pavia

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. This time it’s the year 1512 and we’re standing in the chamber of the Abbess of the Fraumünster Abbey. She is hiding a mercenary leader who’s on the run. Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of ‘making of’ – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to help underscore and illustrate its context.

The history of Chinese coinage 1 – from barter to monetary economy

Quite rightly, China prides itself of its long history, impressively evidenced by the Chinese monetary tradition that took a different route than our western one. Learn more about the development from barter trade to monetary economy here.

The People of Zurich and their Money 7: The “Robbery” of the Church Silver

Our series takes you along for the ride as we explore the Zurich of times past. There was tension in the air in the autumn of 1526: The reformed Zurich had just expropriated the church on its territory.
Much like a good DVD, this conversation comes with a sort of “making of” – a little numismatic-historical backdrop to underscore and illustrate this conversation.

In the Empire of The Merry Widow

From October 8 to 12, 2012 at Künker’s in Osnabrück a rare 100-perpera piece is going to be auctioned. It was struck in honor of Nikola I of Montenegro, ruler of a realm, which is reflected as Pontevedra in the famous musical comedy ‘The Merry Widow’.

Freedom for Algeria – The Fate of Abd el-Kader

Standing in the middle of the Château d’Amboise garden on the Loire is a Muslim cemetery from the 19th century. Here, the followers of Algerian freedom fighter Abd el-Kader were buried with honour. What brought them to this place is a story that begs telling.