Tag Archive for: Renaissance

Erasmus of Rotterdam in Basel – part 2: The inheritance of Bonifacius Amerbach

You can still have a look at Erasmus of Rotterdam’s collection until this day, because the collector Bonifacius Amerbach kept it and gave it to the city. In this episode, among other things, you will see the chest, Amerbach kept the estate in.

Striking Coins in Florence

Since September 17, 2011 visitors can see a marvelous exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence. It is named Money and Beauty and is dedicated to the link between early modern banking and art. On exhibit is not only art, but documents, numismatists dream of like a book in which those responsible of striking coins have noted their decisions on the design…

Alexander Farnese – The man who almost kept the Netherlands in Spanish governance

When talking about the Eighty Years’ War, one usually encounters names such as Egmont, the Duke of Alba and the Prince of Orange. Alexander Farnese, however, who almost preserved Spanish rule over the Netherlands, is less known. We are telling his story by means of coins of the Geneart collection which will be auctioned off at Künker on June 18, 2018.

Erasmus of Rotterdam in Basel – part 1: The art of giving

Did you know that you can still have a look at the numismatic collection of Erasmus of Rotterdam at the Basler Historisches Museum? We will show you several medals from his personal collection.

The schneckentaler from Zug

On June 20, 2012 an exhibition on the occasion of 25 years of Sturzenegger foundation was opened in Schaffhausen. During all these years the numismatic collection has received many important acquisitions, too, like for example a schneckentaler from Zug.

Poets and their income: William Shakespeare

Beyond price – no, great art has never been beyond price. Quite the opposite actually, as it had a clearly defined price. We will see, just how high that price was in this article about Shakespeare.

Christians fight against Christians with the assistance of the Turks

It is an unspectacular coin, that testimony of the culminating conflict between France and Spain, between Francis I and Charles V. …

The Turks at the gates of Vienna!

Künker Auction 289 will offer coins and medals bringing to mind the quarrel about the legacy of Louis of Hungary and the first Siege of Vienna. They form part of Ottoman Collection featuring coins referring to the difficult relation between the Ottoman Empire and the Occident.

Leyden suffering – a siege during the Dutch War of Independence

Few wars have appealed to people’s emotions like the Dutch War of Independence. The roles seemed to be assigned all too clearly: on the one side there were the evil Catholic Spaniards, on the other the good Protestant Dutchmen. What we omit, however, is that this war was one the first in which propaganda was utilized in full awareness of its effects.

From Pavia to the Sack of Rome – siege coins in Italy

Why was it that Renaissance rulers went to Italy to seek good fortune? Why was it that thousands of ducats and thaler were spent on mercenary soldiers? This article gives an insight into the war between Francis I of France and Charles V of Italy…