Tag Archive for: Antiquity

A Lawyer’s Assessment of the Return of the Brutus Aureus

A Manhattan District Attorney returned the world’s most expensive ancient coin to Greece. The reason for this was a falsified provenance. The lawyer Peter K. Tompa is convinced that this case should be of concern to everybody.

Breaking News: EID MAR Aureus Returned to Greece

New York prosecutors returned an EID MAR aureus to Greece. The world’s most expensive ancient coin was seized in the course of the investigations against coin dealer Richard Beale. The case against Beale is still ongoing.

New York Prosecutor to Press Charges Against Richard Beale / Roma Numismatics

In January 2023, Richard Beale, CEO and owner of the London-based Roma Numismatics auction house, was arrested in New York. Among other things, he is charged with falsifying the provenance of the world’s most expensive ancient gold coin.

Roman Shipwreck Found in the Adriatic Sea

Off the Croatian coast, underwater archaeologists have discovered a large shipwreck from Roman times. It is remarkably well preserved and lies just below sea level. Coins showed them the way.

The Most Beautiful Greek Coins Ever Made: Kimon’s Decadrachms

In its upcoming auction, Numismatica Genevensis will be presenting two specimens of the most beautiful coins of Greek numismatics – or even of all time, actually. These coins are two Syracusan decadrachms by Kimon, featuring an almost portrait-like image of Arethusa on the reverse.

The Treasure at the End of the Rainbow

On 5 April 2022 auction house Künker offers the Christian Flesche Collection, which is probably the most spectacular collection of Celtic coins that has entered the market in recent years. Of course, it also contains the mysterious rainbow cups.

Wie sahen die römischen Kaiser wirklich aus?

Der Grafiker Daniel Voshart hat den römischen Kaisern ein frisches Gesicht gegeben. Mit modernster Computertechnik und Photoshop hat er realistische Porträts von 54 Cäsaren entwickelt. Dabei halfen ihm Münzen und antike Texte – und ein Profi-Wrestler …

Golden Age: Collecting the 12 Caesars in Gold Aurei

To possess the first emperors of Rome, the Twelve Caesars, in gold has been the dream of many collectors for centuries. David Michaels gives you a guide to assembling this highly coveted golden set. And CNG’s Triton Auction will be an ideal starting resp. arrival point.

The Origins of the Roman Empire. A New Era Begins

“We continue to live in the good old days of the Republic.” This is what Augustus wanted to convey to his contemporaries after the bloody civil war. But his completely new and high-quality coins speak an entirely different language, as Florian Haymann points out.

The Paradox of Thucydides. What Antiquity Teaches Us About Covid-19

We should all read Thucydides says historian Marek Węcowski. Because the Greek historiographer described meticulously the social consequences of an epidemic in his own time. Thus we may anticipate the most urgent tasks to tackle after Covid-19.