Tag Archive for: H-Numismatist

Houghton, Arthur

Arthur Houghton is former President of the ANS and a numismatist specialized in the history and coinage of the Seleucid Empire. Currently he works as a novelist and writer. His books are often linked to the world of numismatics.

Haomin, Chen

Chen Haomin was an enthusiastic collector of Chinese gold and silver coins before founding his coin dealership Coin-in-Coin.

Hardmeier, Michael

After completing law school, Michael Hardmeier discovered his passion for numismatics at SINCONA AG in Zurich. Ever since, he has been a member of the company’s managing board working across all lines of business.

Homren, Wayne

Wayne Homren is a numismatist and data scientist. He has combined both with his interest in the future and technology: as early as the 1990s, he really bet on the Internet and its potential to transform numismatics.

Haymann, Florian

Florian Haymann is ancient historian, journalist and responsible for the division of Ancient Numismatics at Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. Many German speaking collectors are familiar with his book on collecting ancient coins and his articles published in specialist journals.

Heidemann, Stefan

Stefan Heidemann is a historian and Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Hamburg. His main areas of research include the Abbasid Caliphate and the coinage and economic history of the entire Islamic world.

Hylla, Alexandra

Alexandra Hylla is a cultural scientist and art historian with a focus on numismatics. She is head of the Collection of coins, medals and monetary tokens at the Salzburg Museum.

Hockenhull, Thomas

Tom Hockenhull (* 1984) is curator responsible for the medal collection, post 1700 coins and paper money, badges, tokens and other financial instruments at the British Museum.

Heijne, Cecilia von

Cecilia von Heijne is an archaeologist and numismatist. She is Senior Curator at the Royal Coin Cabinet, Stockholm. Her research focuses on medieval numismatics, especially the Viking Age and the 14th century.

Hirsch, Martin

Martin Hirsch, who earned his doctorate in art history, works as conservator for medieval coins, Renaissance and Baroque medals at the Munich coin cabinet. He is dedicated to elevate the appreciation of art medals.