Tag Archive for: Medals

Catherine the Great, Moscow and the Kremlin

An impressive gold medal of Catherine the Great, which will be auctioned off at the Künker Auction 306 on 23 March 2018, shows the magnificent view of a Moscow Kremlin Palace that never existed. Here is the explanation why.

A numismatic relic of the Miracle of Bern

On November 22, 2011, the auction house Rapp in Wil will auction off a numismatic relic of one remarkable event in the history of sports. On July 4, 1954 Lászlo Budai and the legendary “Mighty Magyars” won “only” silver…

The lion from the north – triumphator in life as well as in death

On March 13, sale no. 247 of Osnabrück auction house Künker offers the Baums Collection featuring historical medals. The connoisseur discovers many historically interesting, artistically enchanting medals, like a piece that was created by Sebastian Dadler on the occasion of the funeral of Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden at Riddarholm Church.

The Battle of Poltava and a medal of Peter the Great

Once upon a time, there were two boozing companions hatching a plot how to deprive a juvenile of a part of his inheritance. What sounds like a perfect scenario for a Dickens novel can turn out tragic for entire peoples with the two buddies fond of tippling happen to rule Russia and Poland…

Gold for the Emperor

What does an alchemist do in order to make an emperor believe that he is capable of transmuting silver into gold? Well, he lets him see for himself…

Antonio Abondio – An artist with special talents

Antonio Abondio made a career for himself as an artist in 16th century Vienna and Prague. The Italian medalist created portraits of powerful people, even the emperor, and influenced colleagues in all of Europe. Sincona offers in its next sale several of Abondio’s works.

Brandenburg and 200 years of Confessio Augustana

The scene Andreas Vestner has recorded on a silver medal produced by order of Karl Wilhelm Friedrich of Brandenburg-Ansbach is impressive to see: The Chancellor of Saxony is reading out the Augsburg Confession. But why did the ‘Wild Margrave’ of all people commission this medal?

Reformation jubilees – a journey through the centuries

Künker will auction a major collection of coins and medals related to the Reformation on September 27, 2017. Using this material, this article shows the extent to which politics of the past centuries used Luther and the Reformation jubilee for their own purposes.

The hunting prince

Why do so many Baroque coins and medals refer to hunting? This question comes to mind due to the Hirsch Nachf. sale 333 on September 21, 2017, in which the collection of a hunter (and collector) will be auctioned off. It contains a large variety of Baroque hunting scenes.

Colossus Mercurio – or: Hamburg and the Privilege of the Elbe

When emperor Ferdinand II. confirmed the so-called Grand Privilege of the Elbe to the city of Hamburg during the Thirty Years’ War, the city was so glad that it ordered a magnificent medal to be made. This precious medal – one of the most beautiful, Dadler has created – will be sold at the upcoming Künker sale.