Tag Archive for: Nations

A Numismatic Journey Through the History of Poland

In 2011 World Money Fair welcomes the mint of Poland as guest of honor. On this occasion we will present some modern Polish coins dedicated to the interesting history of this nation. There are only few countries in the world, where history is still such an important issue in everyday life!

Memorabilia of Shootings as signs of Swiss Traditions

Shooting festivals are a most typical Swiss tradition. Medals, cups, and other memorabilia can be won and collected. Based on a special collection, which is currently being auctioned off by Sincona, Jürg Richter gives a comprehensive overview on this topic.

Introduction ‘The People of Zurich and their Money’ Part 1

Our series ‘The People of Zurich and their Money’ will present one exciting chapter of Swiss numismatics and economic history at a time. The introduction provides an initial overview in two parts. Follow along in this first section as we trace the evolution of Swiss numismatics from the beginning all the way through to the 16th century.

Swissmint – Federal Mint in the Kirchenfeld / Bern

The Swiss Mint was founded more than 100 years ago. Read here how a mint looked like in those days…

Bullion coins part 6: The Vreneli

The relationship between the Swiss people and their Vreneli could be described as nostalgic, even loving almost. This traditional Swiss bullion coins is still a typical gift for births, First Communions or confirmations.

The Counts of Montfort and their Coinage

The last reigning count of Montfort sold his county to the Austrians and retired on a pension. Thus ended a secular history of his family which coin collectors might know particularly as producer of fake and imitative coins.

Graspable Testimonies – Testimonies to Piety from Another Time: Part 2

On 16 October, 2014, the Werner Jaggi Collection will be sold. It is the largest collection of numismatic testimonies on religious beliefs and customs the market has ever seen. Here you will find information about pieces from Austria, Italy and Switzerland.

The schneckentaler from Zug

On June 20, 2012 an exhibition on the occasion of 25 years of Sturzenegger foundation was opened in Schaffhausen. During all these years the numismatic collection has received many important acquisitions, too, like for example a schneckentaler from Zug.

Money supply the Italian way

On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened in occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance a fraudulent imitation of Schaffhausen coins initiated by Prince Siro of Austria at Correggio.

Numismatic witnesses to Denmark’s colonial past

Künker auction sale no. 244, to be conducted on 6th February 2014, will present a couple of coins that bear witness to Denmark’s colonial past. The Danish merchants wanted their share of the wealth from the distant continents, too. And that is why these coins take us to present-day Ghana, to South India and into the Caribbean.